Does it Matter to Publish in Life Matters?

Life Matters
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

To matter or not to matter that is a problem !

with all the turmoil around us, we start to question whether life matters or not ! if it’s a yes ,then, in most cases, they take away a life in order to save a life !!! HELLO !! all lives matter. You need to know that all lives need to be not only spared, but also protected, and nourished !

Life DOES matter and politicians have to find other solutions for saving lives by murdering others. War is not a road map to peace; war leads to war and accordingly more deaths toll.

Surviving vs living

Imagine that world peace prevails and all countries live without borders, would that be considered having a life? Is that a definition of life in the quote “life matters” ? It is the quality of life that matters. the amount of joy and happiness that one deserves and is a product of elevating the quality of life, not just staying alive.

Because life matters, people should enjoy the quality of life. it should be care free and stress free. How is this possible when people need to go to work, kids go to school in addition to the regular unprecedent life pressures.

Adapting to the pressure of life is NO solution

Accept the unprecedented but do not give in to it. Just anticipate but do not expect. The biggest disappointment in life is having expectations. Stand up for your right to live and move on from pressures because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Think of what makes you happy and do it; do not think twice, do not have cold feet. Avoid redundancy, love openly, and appreciate nature,

the Value of life

Saving a life is a value and appreciating it is the secret to success, to the existence of the universe. Mankind has the opportunity to thrive and flourish. From this perspectives countries should not only focus on economy, health, and education. These are essential basics but not the whole package. It is the role of the intellect to raise awareness of appreciating the value of life not just living your life as there are more than just that simply because all creatures thrive on those three factors: Economy, Health, Education

Do all creatures need those three? how so ? it is simply their basic instincts to survive. Creatures who do not find the right environment to survive, they simply extinct by time which directly affects the ecological balance. Accordingly, Mankind’s life is threatened.

It is not just about war, it is about all living creatures !

That being said, it is not just all lives thrive just by ending wars, We all need to stand as one and demand we all live in peace so we all can appreciate what we have.




Life Matters

Being an MA holder in TESOL and a certified trainer , I have come to an understanding that writing is the power of restoring hope and soothing pain.