Google November 2023 Core Update: Boosting Discover Traffic

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2023
Photo by Kai Wenzel on Unsplash

You’re a website owner or digital marketer looking to boost your online presence with Google Discover traffic. But recently, you faced chaos due to a bug in the Google Core Update.

This bug, occurring in October 2023, caused your Discover traffic to significantly drop starting on October 5th. The issues lasted until October 31st when Google finally confirmed the bug and fixed it. Now, you may see an increase in your Discover-related traffic after the bug fix.

The Bug Wreaked Havoc for 26 Days

It was only last night, around 5:30 pm ET, that Google posted about the Discover traffic bug. You dealt with the impact of this bug for approximately 26 days until Google resolved the issue on October 31st.

Some websites like yours may now experience a rise in Discover traffic after the fix. But the return to normal levels remains uncertain. It’s key to remember this bug is separate from the new core update that rolled out in November 2023.

The Updates Directly Influence Your Discover Visibility

When Google Core Updates happen, your Discover traffic can fluctuate wildly. The updates directly impact your website’s rankings and Discover visibility.

If your site gets hit negatively by an update, you’ll likely see lower Discover traffic. But if you’re unaffected, your Discover numbers may bounce back. Still, it’s unclear if or when your traffic will normalize after a core update.

As a website owner, you’ll need to monitor your Discover traffic closely and optimize as needed after these updates.

The Community Had Mixed Opinions

How did fellow site owners respond to the update bug and Discover issues? Reactions were mixed.

Glenn Gabe noted drops in Discover are common after core updates. But Lily Ray expressed frustration with the update’s impact. Some shared their experiences, like one member whose Discover went to zero before starting to return.

You can find many discussions on forums and platforms about the Discover traffic problems. The community is actively conversing about the Google Core Update bug and its effects.

Tracking Tools On October 31st Core Update Fix

These tracking tools do not track Google Discover fluctuations or volatility but it seems like they are now spiking after whatever fix Google pushed out the other day. I am not sure why and it may be unrelated to this fix but here is what the tools show:

Image: Accuranker
Image: Semrush
Image: Serpmatrics

A New Update is Coming

A new core update rolled out in November 2023 which may further affect Discover.

Google will provide more details tomorrow and update its rankings history once the rollout finishes. You’ll want to stay updated on the new core update and continue optimizing your Discover strategy.

The Bug Had a Significant Impact

In summary, the recent Google Core Update bug severely impacted Discover traffic for many sites like yours. After Google fixed the bug, some websites may now see increased Discover numbers.

The community response has been mixed, with site owners understandably questioning the sudden drop. A new November update may cause further Discover fluctuations.

As a website owner, you’ll need to closely track these changes and adapt your strategies accordingly to thrive despite the turbulence. Stay vigilant in optimizing your site’s presence in both search and Discover!


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