How I Force My Readers to Click on My Posts on Medium

The secret formula for stimulating and seductive headlines

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
3 min readJan 3, 2024


If you reading this post I have successfully convinced you to click and read this post….

Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

Don't be amazed it's not black magic.

Its title’s Magic…that’s because

I spend hours crafting an informative article, packing it with valuable insights, only to have readers scroll right past it because my headline failed to grab their attention.

Well, no more!!!!

Today, I’m going to share my secrets for creating engaging, firework-like headlines that captivate readers and make my content impossible to ignore.

By understanding my target audience, brainstorming captivating headlines, and embracing social media, I’ve managed to banish dull headlines for good. Read on to discover how to ignite explosive interest with your content!

Crafting Attention-Grabbing Headlines

When crafting a headline, I aim to intrigue and captivate readers from the get-go, enticing them to delve further into my content.

Like this heading of this post…

My headlines are like magnets — they draw readers in with irresistible curiosity and stick in their minds like fireworks in the night sky.

Just check this few examples:

take a close look at them…if you are reading this, are you clicking on these stories…


I make my headlines stand out by infusing them with a touch of sass, intrigue, and controversy.

Playing it safe with dull, generic headlines is a surefire way to put readers to sleep.

Instead, I strive to be bold and daring, embracing my creative side to make each headline unique and memorable.

Breaking Free From Clichés

In my early days of writing, I often relied on tired clichés and overused phrases in my headlines. Needless to say, they consistently flopped.

I learned that to truly grab attention, I had to break free from clichés and harness my creativity to craft original, one-of-a-kind headlines.

Now if I write the title of this article:

“How to Increase CTR of Your Post on Medium”

it's like a normal title.

Now take a look at this title:

How I Force Reader to Click on My Post on Medium”

if even I read this title I will click and read.

Now I actively push boundaries and challenge norms when conceptualizing headlines.

My goal is to ignite curiosity by being refreshingly different.

After banishing headline clichés from my content, I saw engagement skyrocket. Readers crave excitement and innovation — so I make sure to deliver.

Understanding Your Audience

The key to creating resonant, impactful content is understanding your target audience inside and out.

I take time to delve into their interests, desires, and fears — getting to the heart of what makes them tick.

Catering to their preferences is crucial; ignoring them spells disaster.

By connecting with readers like trusted friends and making them feel seen, I’m able to produce content that truly captivates them.

Understanding my audience gives me the insight I need to grab their attention and hold it.

Building a Loyal Reader Community

Along my writing journey, I’ve cultivated a devoted community of loyal readers by making engagement a priority.

I converse with them in comments, answer messages, and embrace feedback.

My readers feel seen — and that nurtures loyalty.

I’ve realized just how much readers crave feeling heard and valued.

By actively responding and showing appreciation for their support, I continue strengthening bonds in my community.

My readers have become co-collaborators, helping shape my work.

Together, we’ve built an impactful force that continues growing exponentially thanks to word-of-mouth promotion.

My loyal tribe champions my work across their own networks, bolstering my reach immensely.

In final words

If you feel your headlines are putting readers to sleep, take inspiration from my story.

Study your audience, brainstorm explosive headlines, and tap into social media.

By consistently engaging readers with bold, curiosity-sparking headlines, you’ll have them craving your content in no time!

Say goodbye to boredom and unleash those captivating fireworks.

My loyal community and I will be cheering you on! Don’t forget to get help from me by commenting.

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