How I Made $2100+ With 3 Month Old Website

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2023

I never imagined that I could make $2100+ in just 3 months, but that’s exactly what happened when I put in the effort to create a successful Golf website.

I know that money is not so much but for new website, I think its pretty god income.

I was determined to make it a success, so I wrote SEO-friendly articles and connected with an outreach website to get backlinks and guest posts.

With dedication and hard work, I was able to get my keywords to rank in the top 3 positions of Google and generate an impressive $2100+ in ad revenue.

Little did I know that I was about to embark on an incredible journey!

Main Highlights

  • Utilized Google Adsense for website monetization
  • Implemented SEO-friendly content and social media promotion techniques to generate organic traffic
  • Analyzed ad performance and made data-driven decisions to optimize monetization strategies
  • Scaled website revenue by expanding outreach efforts, diversifying traffic sources, and exploring additional monetization methods

Building the Site

I buy this domain on June 6, 2023 and buy a hosting.

I wish I can show you the domain name, but i know what happen next to my Google AdSense account. quite funny you know.

After setting up the domain and hosting, I began building my website.

I designed the layout, created original content, researched traffic generation methods, implemented monetization strategies, and promoted it across social media.

My website design was efficient, my content was engaging, and I was able to generate organic traffic.

I used effective monetization methods such as Google Adsense.

My social media promotion was successful in drawing attention to my website.

With all of these strategies in place, I was prepared to move on to SEO strategies to further grow my website.

Writing Post

I have posted almost 140+ article in these 3 months. all article are 2500+ words long.

I know its quite surprising to know that how can i post 140+ article.

Well, I will tell you a trick, because, I want to be full transparent with you.

I took help from a AI writer.

its pretty good Ai writer with generate almost SEO friendly article in just some clicks.

But i don't ever use AI generated content direct to my website.

Note: Google is smarter then you think, You need to add some extra value to your content to make it usefully.

Remember quality is everything…

Earning Breakdown

I applied for Google AdSense on 21 June and got approval in 3 days.

My earning breakdown for the 3 month period was $2100+.

Google Adsense Earning

Monetization methods, traffic generation techniques, content creation strategies, analyzing ad performance, and scaling the website’s revenue were all key to reaching that goal.

I leveraged Google AdSense to monetize the website, driving traffic through SEO-friendly content and various other techniques.

I also created content that was engaging and relevant to my target audience.

To analyze ad performance, I tracked click-through rates and revenue per click, adjusting as needed.

Finally, I scaled the website’s revenue by expanding my outreach efforts and diversifying my traffic sources.

SEO Strategies

Once I had my website up and running, I began to focus on SEO strategies to help it grow.

  • I optimized content to make it more attractive to search engine crawlers.
  • I utilized link building techniques to increase backlinks and authority.
  • I researched keywords to guide my content creation.
  • I implemented on-page SEO tactics to further increase my rankings.

I also promoted my website on various social media platforms to give it a boost.

All of these strategies combined were ultimately able to help me reach the $2100+ mark.

With these results in hand, I now moved onto the next step: Backlinks from outreach.

Earning From Outreach and Social Media

To find some revelant links, I began to pursue outreach opportunities. I focused on maximizing my efforts to build backlinks, secure guest post opportunities, and monetize through collaboration.

I leveraged the power of successful outreach campaigns, created meaningful connections, and built a network of influencers who shared my content.

To capitalize on the momentum, I invited other industry experts to write for my website and utilized my collaboration network to build a powerful backlink profile.

I was also able to establish a presence on social media, which helped drive additional traffic to my website.

Image: Instagram

This enabled me to maximize my earning potential and further grow my website.

My efforts paid off, as I saw the ranking results in the SERPs.

Ranking Results

Thanks to my successful outreach campaigns and collaboration network, my website was seeing the fruits of its labor in the form of ranking results. Organic traffic growth was consistent as I was able to refine my content creation process.

This allowed me to maximize monetization strategies and improve my website analytics analysis. I also was able to acquire backlinks through techniques I’d developed over time.

This combination of factors allowed me to reach a position of power in the niche. With continued refinement of these strategies, I’m confident I can continue to achieve success.


My 3 month journey to success has been a wild ride, but it’s been worth it.

I’ve found that the key to success is hard work, dedication, and a bit of luck.

I’m proud to say that I earned over $2100 in ad revenue from my website, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the future brings.

With the right mindset and attitude, anything is possible!

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Note: this post can conation some of affiliate link.

