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My Unexpected Journey to Becoming a Writer

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
3 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

I still remember the day I decided I wanted to become a writer.

I was 15 years old, sitting in my high school English class as my teacher explained the basics of crafting a compelling story.

And it just clicked for me — this is what I’m meant to do.

So I started writing. I wrote short stories, poems, essays — you name it. But as time went on, I realized…..

achieving real success as a writer is not as easy as just putting words on a page.

There were obstacles I hadn’t considered — things like rejection, imposter syndrome, financial instability.

I knew that if I wanted to make it as a writer, I had to figure out how to push past those obstacles.

And let me tell you, it has been quite the journey.

But through trial and error over the years, I’ve learned a few key things that have helped me overcome challenges and inch closer to my definition of success.

I started creating blogs at the age of 19.

after a few years, I was able to write well in any type of Niche.

as you can see in this article how online writing makes me financially free.

I never think writing can make me passive income as well…

So in this post, I wanted to share some of the biggest obstacles I’ve faced as a writer, as well as the strategies I’ve used to overcome them.

My hope is that if you’re pursuing writing too, my story and advice might help you unlock your own success.

The Key Factors That Impact Writing Success

Before going into obstacles and strategies specifically, I think it’s important to first recognize that success as a writer depends on so many factors.

Raw talent plays a role.

But there’s also having an entrepreneurial mindset, handling rejection and criticism, mastering your craft, overcoming imposter syndrome…the list goes on.

The key is staying focused on the factors you can control and making steady progress on them over time.

Building a Supportive Community

As my journey has progressed, one thing that’s helped me continue moving forward is finding a supportive community of fellow writers.

They get the unique struggles of this industry and can commiserate when things get tough.

Over the years, I’ve joined local writing groups, online forums, mentorship programs — whatever I could find to connect with people who just get it.

And having that sounding board to celebrate the highs and navigate the lows with has been invaluable.

So if you’re feeling alone out there, I’d definitely suggest trying to find your people.

It makes this whole process infinitely more manageable.

Learning from Setbacks

Of course, no writing journey comes without setbacks.

At various points over the years, I’ve had manuscripts rejected, publications I wrote for go under, personal crises pull my attention away from writing.

But with some distance, I learned to start viewing those setbacks as data points.

Essentially, I asked myself:

  • Why was my manuscript rejected? How can I improve my storytelling or query letter?
  • What did I enjoy about writing for that publication? How can I find similar opportunities that align with my strengths?
  • How can I build more margins into my life so external factors don’t derail my progress?

Mining your failures for learnings is never fun. But it allows you to course correct and come back stronger.

Over time, you start to build confidence that you can overcome anything this industry throws your way.

Anyway, those are just two of the strategies that have helped me inch closer to my version of success on this writing journey — one hard-earned lesson at a time.

There are about a million more I could share, but I’ll leave it there for now.

I hope hearing a bit of my story gives you some fuel and ideas as you work to achieve your own writing dreams.

This journey isn’t linear or straightforward, but with persistence, community, and the right mindset it IS possible.

Wishing you all the best out there!

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