Stop Worrying

Most trials pass, and we endure what remains with new resilience

Life Matters
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2024


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Worry weaves itself insidiously into our days, the relentless thoughts twisting tighter with each sleepless night.

What if this deal falls through?

What if she leaves me?

What if the test results are bad?

The mind fixates endlessly on hypotheticals, sacrificing peace to anxiously brace for any possible outcome. Fear grows like knotted weeds, choking out sources of hope, joy, and reason.

We construct doomsday scenarios that generate urgency as if worrying prepared us to prevent the worst. But it is a Trojan horse promising security while eroding the foundations of our present happiness.

Yes, some fraction of our catastrophizing may prove prophetic.

But at what cost?

Each day squandered envisioning disasters robs us twice — stealing away gratitude in the now while sowing dread about tomorrow.

Meanwhile, ceilings crash down less frequently than we expect. Worst-case scenarios rarely unfold exactly as imagined. Most crises arise suddenly through no warning or fault of our own. So all the restless nights we traded for elusive certainty prove in vain.

Consider the lilies, Jesus urged, they neither toil nor spin. Yet even Solomon’s riches could not rival their effortless beauty. The wind and waves shape mighty oaks, not fruitless worrying. Nature embraces the truth — we were not designed for ceaseless striving and planning but for joyful surrender to each season’s providence.

While vigilance helps us prepare wisely, worry simply spirals. Anxiety fixates on problems while faith focuses on solutions. Fear catastrophizes the future, while hope takes action to improve today.

Avoid endlessly amplifying what we dread, when life offers just as many noble possibilities worth dreaming of. Worrying does not cocoon us against disaster, it only distracts us from all we have to be grateful for now.

So take a deep breath with me. Exhale the knotted tension that has wrapped itself around your spirit, restricting faith’s flow. Imagine your mind not as a spinning hamster wheel rehearsing worst-case scenarios, but rather as a serene lake reflecting the sky’s tranquil beauty.

Consider each worry a pointless stone disturbing the stillness. Picture yourself allowing it to gently sink back to the depths so the surface regains its glassy calm.

Focus on flowing with life with adaptability, rather than rigidly forcing your desired outcomes. Cultivate patience with the seasons’ natural cadence of joy and sorrow, vigor and rest, abundance and scarcity.

Scan all the beauty in your life that flourishes right now independent of the future.

Who has your back?

What privileges do you enjoy?

What matters most that no calamity could steal?

Redirect your mind’s energy towards enhancing what is rather than bracing against what may never come. Nurture wonder and gratitude in the moment. Tend carefully to those under your wing, who blossom brightly under your radiance.

Lay down the futile burden of needing to know and control everything. Be at peace not having life fully figured out. There is grace in riding waves of uncertainty, which carve in you reservoirs of character.

If dire challenges arise, you’ll handle them with wisdom and courage cultivated from a life grounded in today. But until then, trade restless worrying for the present purpose. The future will unfold regardless, so cherish now instead of sacrificing it to anxiety.

Whenever fear’s insistent voice starts whispering again, laugh kindly at its exaggerations. Then fill your lungs with the nourishing air of hope. Remember worry serves no one, while living wholeheartedly today leaves an honorable legacy.

Focus on pouring your gifts into the world, not what you dread receiving back. Practice trusting in forces greater than your limited vision. Be watchful, but also restful. Faith, not fear, lights the path home.

Remember that the mind is a wild horse needing patient training. Reign it steadfastly back to the trail when it tries to veer into fruitless ravines. Judge each anxious thought on its merit, discarding distortions and exaggerations. Separate reasonable prudence from unhelpful brooding.

Cultivate positive habits that ground you in the now. Savoring morning coffee, chatting with neighbors, absorbing the songs of birds outside your window. Simple joys that require only your senses, not projecting imagined futures.

Make time for creating, playing, moving your body, and being in a wide-open nature. Escape tunnels of circular thinking through activities that restore your spirit. Limit consumption of sensational media that feeds fixation.

Unclench worry’s grip through lighthearted moments with loved ones, especially children who live fully in the moment. Shared laughter and affection are powerful antidotes to isolation and negative obsession. You are never alone.

Train your mind to intercept catastrophic thinking and redirect it consciously. When you catch yourself catastrophizing, pause and replace those visions with positive affirmations of security, gratitude, and hope. Starve worry of attention, it cannot rule you without your consent.

Remember that bravery is not the absence of fear, but moving forward resolutely despite uncertainty. Courage is within us all. The deepest roots support the tallest oaks. You are stronger than you know.

Keep perspective — most things we agonize over are inconsequential in the bigger picture. Our ultimate security lies beyond market crashes, relationships, and pandemics. Let go of illusions of control. Place faith in forces greater than worries.

Make progress a daily act of letting go, not controlling more. Simplify priorities down to what matters. Clear needless clutter polluting your mind, home, and schedule. Regain space to appreciate life’s essential goodness.

See each worry as a chance to grow in trusting life’s flow. Most trials pass, and we endure what remains with new resilience. Any darkness can nourish wisdom — if we allow growth rather than resentment.

When we stop depleting today in angst over tomorrow, we reclaim life’s gift — this very moment. We realize worries bound us while living purposefully sets us free.

Faith opens a reservoir of courage. Love quiets fear’s frantic voice. Stillness grants perspective. And gratitude illuminates our path.

Worry will always try to lure your focus to shadows. But you can dwell in light. Hope makes today’s burdens liftable, and tomorrow’s trials endurable. The peace you seek is not found in seeking certainty, but in moments lived wholeheartedly.

So take my hand, let go of fretting, and walk ahead together. What tomorrow brings we cannot know. But right now, we can rest, breathe, and trust this journey. For today, this moment is enough.



Life Matters

Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy