Ten Lessons I Learned Publishing My First 100 Medium Stories

My journey so far..

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
3 min readDec 14, 2023


Image: Author

Should i need to shave my beard??….😂😂😂😂


When I first started writing on Medium, I was as green as prairie grass.

I hoped to someday make my mark on this publishing platform — become a top writer who could inspire readers with my words.

Well, 100 stories later and this ole cowpoke has learned a thing or two out on the range!

From finding my niche to building an audience, I’ve gathered my fair share of lessons that may help other writers just starting out.

So settle in, pardners! Here’s what publishing my first 100 stories on Medium has taught me during this winding writing journey:

Lesson 1: Discover Your Distinct Voice

In the beginning, I tried mimicking other successful writers, thinking their formulas would work for me. But my stories fell flatter than a pancake without baking powder.

I realized I needed to tap into my unique experiences and personality to stand out. Authenticity rings louder than imitation every time.

Lesson 2: Experiment With Different Topics

My early articles covered everything under the sun till I was more scattered than a coyote on the hunt. But through experimenting widely, I could see which themes and topics fit me best.

Now I stick to what I know — living off the land and the simple homestead way. Find what grounds you then build your home there.

Lesson 3: Consistency Is Key

When I first started out, I’d publish sporadically at best. But I learned maintaining a steady pace keeps readers coming back.

Now I aim for one quality article a week. I’d rather have a few loyal readers than a flash flood that disappears quick.

Lesson 4: Headline Optimization Matters

I’ll admit — catchy headlines were not my strong suit at first. I’d often forget them altogether!

But soon I realized optimizing my titles greases the wheels to getting reads.

My advice? Make ’em short, snappy and downright irresistible to click.

Lesson 5: Tell Compelling Stories

In the beginning, my articles were drier than kindling in the desert. But I discovered no one cares about bland facts alone.

By weaving in stories from my own life, I create tales folks emotionally connect to.

Transport readers right to my little prairie town with descriptive details!

Lesson 6: Illustrate With Images

At first, I didn’t think visuals mattered much for written content. Boy howdy was I wrong!

I noticed my best performing articles popped with color images and graphics.

Now I incorporate photos and visual elements to catch the scrolling eye.

Lesson 7: Interact With Readers

Early on I took a “write first, reach out later” stance that kept me isolated. But by answering comments and asking the audience questions in my articles, I built a loyal tribe.

Don’t just publish into the wind

interact with those kind enough to spend time with your words.

Lesson 8: Refine and Evolve

When I read my first story now, I have to stifle a chuckle. My writing was downright amateurish compared to now.

But through learning and refining my skills with each piece, I developed my style.

Writing is a marathon, not a sprint — enjoy the long journey of bettering your craft!

Lesson 9: Find Supportive Writing Buddies

Writing can get lonely, especially when you think no one notices your work. But by joining writing groups, I discovered comrades facing similar struggles.

They provide encouragement when I want to hang up my writing hat. Surround yourself with folks who build you up during the ride.

Lesson 10: Embrace Feedback

If someone said my early writing needed “a heap more work” I woulda turned red as a hot stove!

But through embracing critique, I’ve improved tremendously. Feedback is a gift helping you grow, even if it smarts a little. Only by challenging my comfort zone do I expand my skills.

In Conclusion…

Wrangling words sure gets easier, but I ‘spect I got another 100 stories ahead before I’m an expert cowpoke. To all you greenhorn writers out there, stick to it! Keep pursing this passion because it’s the hard work that reaps the biggest rewards. Happy trails to you!


I’ve got a lot to share in my upcoming blogs.

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