What I Learned After Getting 100 Email Subscribers on Medium

Don’t run behind these numbers…

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
5 min readJan 10, 2024


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

I Completed 100 email subscribers on Medium.

Like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered, I believed Medium held the key to building a loyal subscriber base.

As a writer navigating the ocean of content, I longed to find that special connection that would set me apart.

But how could I crack Medium’s secret code and start my own online community?

In this story, I’ll share my journey to cultivating 100 dedicated email subscribers — and reveal the strategies that transformed my writing path from solitary to communal.

Changes on Medium

When I first logged into Medium, things looked really different.

As an early user, I witnessed a lot of changes — from algorithm tweaks to shifts in engagement strategies. Honestly, it’s been kind of a rollercoaster.

I also found out how Medium Algorithm works, check this post here..

I tried the whole “follow for follow” tactic back then.

Basically, I’d follow tons of accounts in hopes they’d follow me back. And sure, I racked up a big follower count quickly.

Now please don't check my followings..😂😂😂😂 This was just a try.

But when it came time to post my articles, I’d see pitiful engagement. Just a handful of likes and responses, if any.

It was super frustrating realizing my follower count was just a bunch of bot accounts or folks looking to increase their numbers — not real fans.

At one point, I almost deleted my Medium profile out of sheer disappointment! But deep down, I understood I needed to return to basics and build a real community of supporters who loved my work.

I knew chasing raw follower counts wouldn’t get me true influence; I had to figure out how to turn readers into subscribers instead.

Negative Impact of ‘Follow for Follow’

After my failed attempt to cheat the system with “follow for follow,” I realized what a detrimental tactic it was for genuine engagement.

I thought scoring lots of followers would make me feel powerful and influential as a writer.

Boy, was I wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reality was that most of my shiny new followers didn’t actually care about me or my content.

They just wanted me to reciprocate by following them back. They’d never like or comment on my articles.

And why would they? They weren’t even reading them!

I felt the full weight and frustration of having a big account with dismal engagement.

No one was connecting with my work — the very reason I spent hours writing in the first place! At that point, keeping my Medium profile seemed meaningless.

It finally clicked that the key was attracting real subscribers who valued what I created, not fake followers obsessed with stats and nothing else.

Organic and Authentic Approach

After wiping the slate clean and starting over, I vowed to take an organic, authentic approach to the Medium community.

That meant no more shady tactics — just honest engagement…..

I began reaching out to fellow writers and readers by commenting thoughtfully on their articles.

When they made an insightful point, I’d share words of praise and affirmation. And if they had an idea I disagreed with, I’d politely offer my perspective.

Gradually, the genuine connections began multiplying.

People recognized me as a familiar name in response sections.

They’d reciprocate by commenting on my work.

thank you Mark Boyle..!

And with each conversation, another strand linked us together.

Soon I realized this web of support was far more valuable than any follower count.

These were kindred spirits who cared about my weird ideas and strange stories — my people! Sure, it took more effort than buying bot followers…but the rewards were so much sweeter.

The Goal of Getting 100 Subscribers

Once I embraced the relationship-based approach, I set a goal that reflected my new priorities: get 100 email subscribers.

This felt like a tangible benchmark to measure the quality of my supporters, not just the quantity.

Hitting triple-digits would prove real humans actually valued what I shared enough to proactively sign up for it.

They wanted my strange stories and weird ideas delivered straight to their inboxes!

Who cared if I had 50k fake followers? These 100 fans were worth more than millions of bots.

So I doubled down on the connection-building strategy.

Instead of casting a wide net, I focused on depth over breadth. I nurtured relationships with readers who specifically enjoyed my style and niche.

Gradually, my content flowed directly to those most keen to receive it.

And finally, after months of patience and persistence, I watched my email subscriber count hit that glorious 100 mark.

I literally cried happy tears knowing my stories had found their perfect home!

Your Recommended Approach Should be…

Based on my journey from follower obsession to email subscriber success, here’s my advice to writers hoping to build influence on Medium:

Skip the shortcuts and focus on people. Comment thoughtfully and authentically on others’ work.

Seek out readers who enjoy your specific style and niche, then engage directly with them.

Prioritize nurturing quality connections over-inflating superficial stats.

It may seem old-fashioned, but this relationship-based approach is the only genuine way to build loyalty and influence.

Those 100 subscribers who eagerly await each new story mean far more to me than 100,000 disengaged followers ever could.

In final words…

As I reflect now with 100 dedicated subscribers under my belt, the difference feels night and day from when I bought into follower count mania.

And while it took serious effort to build relationships that transcended transactions, I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.

Because influence is about people connecting with your work — not numbers disconnected from purpose.

So if you want to crack Medium’s secret code like I did, prepare to dive deep into human relationships. S

Wap the follower frenzy for subscriber loyalty.

Once you embrace authentic engagement as the path to influence, your writing community will become richer than you ever imagined!

➡️Subscribe Me here ➡️ https://medium.com/@mcdangi21/subscribe

