Why Medium’s Spectrum of Stories Leaves Me Starry-Eyed

Diving Into the Tales that Captivated Medium This October

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
2 min readNov 24, 2023


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

As I reflect on the month of October, one platform stands out for its ability to consistently captivate me with a plethora of compelling stories — Medium.

As an avid reader and writer on Medium myself, I’m always eager to explore the fascinating new tales published each month that seem to resonate deeply with the community.

Let me take you on a journey through some of my favorite stories from October and why this platform continues to enthrall its passionate audience.

Medium by the numbers

In October 2023…

  • published 1.1 million new stories.
  • Added 83,600 stories to publications.
  • 613,000 new (unpublished) drafts.

Medium’s October roundup and the popularity of its stories

When I scrolled through my Medium feed in October, I was met with a collection of remarkable stories spanning topics from self-reflection to software engineering.

One article that captured my attention recounted an author’s deeply personal journey to overcome grief after loss. As I raced through each line, I found myself connecting with the writer’s vivid portrayal of heartache and healing.

Another piece that drew me in focused on the ethical implications of AI. It left me musing over critical questions about regulation and transparency long after I’d finished reading.

I shared the essay widely, hungry to discuss and dissect from every angle.

It’s this diversity of perspectives and genres that I so appreciate about Medium.

Every day I open my app, not knowing what awaits. But I always find my curiosity piqued and my mind expanded.

Medium’s impact on readers and writers

As an amateur writer still finding my voice, Medium has been invaluable. With its recent shift allowing increased writer autonomy over paywalls, I feel empowered to take risks and experiment until I discover my niche.

Already I’ve connected with fellow creators who inspire me to keep practicing my craft.

And the feedback I receive from thoughtful readers urges me onward, reminding me that my words hold power and potential. When a piece I labored over receives praise, my heart swells at the realization that I’ve touched someone.

For readers and writers alike, Medium facilitates genuine human connection. Our stories intertwine to form a thriving community centered around knowledge, compassion, and growth. And that extraordinary ecosystem spurs me to continue crafting and sharing.

