🛌 Your Guide to Getting 8 Hours of Sleep

Life Matters
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2024

Sleep is the one thing that is consistently hard for all of us. You have to maintain a routine, get 8 hours of time in a busy calendar, all while having to feel refreshed while getting up (according to the sleep and productivity experts on social media 😉). So here is a guide for you on how to get optimal sleep, mined and sourced from dozens of YouTube videos, research articles, and blog posts. You are welcome, by the way 🙏 😃.


⌚ Make a Routine

We all have a preconceived notion that we all just need 8 hours of sleep, and it doesn’t matter when we sleep as long as we get those 8 hours. That’s not how the human body works, at it’s ’cause of this thing called circadian rhythm. This regulates our body and tells it when to sleep, when to make your eyes feel heavy and droopy. Once you disrupt this, it’s gonna be very hard for you to get to sleep within even 30 minutes.

Which is why I recommend having a routine, a set time everyday for wind down, like dimming the lights to simulate night time (and increase melatonin), brush, set your device away, and then go to sleep. I would also try to catch the sunset, not because of the aesthetic photos, but because it sends signals for you that it is time to sleep, it is night.

☕ 📱Control the 2 Addictive Things in Your Life

Ok, I’m not saying that you should stop drinking caffeine or stop using your phone one hour before bed. While both are extremely great things to do, they’re also a little extreme. You do have to control it though, with caffeine disturbing your adenosine (chemicals that make us sleepy), and phone screens bright artificial light telling your brain it’s still daytime. To control it, it’s easier to stop drinking caffeine 10 hours before sleep and stop using your phone 1 hour before sleep, or at least use it with dark mode.

🌇 The Morning

In the morning, it is important to feel awake, refreshed, and happy, all of which is a sign of good sleep. Which why it is important to exercise everyday, even for 10 minutes, which releases endorphins. At best, try to catch the sunrise, which would signal the brain it’s time to be awake.

❤️‍🩹 The Ending

This is your guide to sleep, a composite of the many guides and researches done online. Try implementing the above habits withing 2 weeks, and I assure you, you will get the optimal sleep and if that’s true, drop me 5 claps.

➡️ Next Week: 🌈 Feel-Good Productivity: A Feel-Good Review

🕛 Quote of the Week

“When sleep is abundant, minds flourish. When it is deficient, they don’t.”-Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep



Life Matters

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