AI Network and AI Collaboration Infrastructure Ecosystem

AI Network
AI Network
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2023

‘Internet for AI’, AI Network connecting developers worldwide with GPU resources

Why is an AI collaboration ecosystem necessary?

In the field of artificial intelligence, large-scale models are becoming competitive, and GPUs, which are essential for AI development, are crucial to this competitiveness. GPUs use parallel computing to simultaneously process simple operations with thousands of cores, making them more prominent in AI research methodologies such as deep learning, which involves repeating computations using millions of training data to extract features.

In cloud environments, GPU computing resources for AI training can be easily accessed by paying a fee. This is why companies like Google and Microsoft are dominating the AI industry. However, startups and individual developers, who have relatively limited capital compared to big tech groups, lose their competitiveness from securing GPU resources, making developing the latest AI models a challenge for startups and individuals. To address this problem, AI Network aims to build an open AI ecosystem by bringing developers and GPU resources together under the concept of the ‘Internet for AI’.

How will AI Network establish an AI collaboration ecosystem?

AI Network will achieve a network of the world’s largest GPUs, open-source AI models and AI services with the belief that collaboration is the future of AI ecosystems. AI Network provides an environment where developers can freely develop without the need for big tech-level data centers. Developers can easily borrow the necessary AI resources in the right amount, and individuals or small developers can reduce the costs of equipment setup and operation. In this way, developers can focus solely on development and create AI models in a conducive environment.

Innovation of the AI Collaboration Ecosystem, Runo

Our goal is to establish a decentralized global artificial intelligence development network where everyone can coexist without relying on big tech companies, and Runo will be the starting point for achieving this.

‘Runo’ is a node operation service that is short for “Run Your Node”. In the AI network, GPU resource providers can contribute to GPU nodes through the AI network mainnet, which is built on a Layer 1 blockchain. Runo is an NFT released to simplify the complex node setup that runs this process. By purchasing the Runo NFT, which consists of High GPU (A100, V100), GPU (T4), and CPU, holders can become GPU resource providers.

Becoming a resource provider through Runo means contributing to the advancement of AI as a part of the collaborative AI ecosystem. Therefore, resource providers receive AI Network cryptocurrency tokens ($AIN) as compensation on a monthly basis, and also benefit from integration with AI projects.

The Beginning of the AI Collaboration Ecosystem, GPU Sponsorship

The GPU resources collected from Runo will be provided to projects that can have a positive impact on the growth and development of the AI ecosystem. It is the creation of a connection point for a true AI collaboration infrastructure.

The allocation of resources to projects that will activate the AI Network ecosystem is determined by AIN DAO. AIN DAO is a community of people who are building the AI Network, an AI collaboration ecosystem, together. AI Network does not see AI as belonging to individuals or organizations. We believe that “AI for All” can be achieved in the true sense when AI is managed in collaboration with the community, as AI data and resources are products of social processes. This is why AI Network operates the AI collaboration ecosystem community as a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization).

AIN DAO consists of various AI experts, including resource providers (investors), researchers, developers, and AI service creators, who agree to build the AI collaboration infrastructure. Through their consensus, resource provision projects are selected, and these selected projects are given the opportunity for Runo sales for GPU sponsorship.

Expansion of the AI Collaboration Ecosystem

The giant models and services generated within the AI Network collaboration ecosystem are supported to expand into the metaverse. AI giant models created based on Runo’s resources can be introduced to AI services, and AI services can meet and converse with other AI services. Some of the revenue generated from these implemented models or services can be distributed to resource providers or special benefits can be provided for the services. This is also why AI Network operates the “AI Collaboration Ecosystem” as a “community” with various stakeholders.

By providing AI collaboration infrastructure, we will create a giant AI metaverse where AI models, communities, and markets are created, and they can mutually thrive within it.



AI Network
AI Network

A decentralized AI development ecosystem built on its own blockchain, AI Network seeks to become the “Internet for AI” in the Web3 era.