AI Network DAO to Provide GPU Resources for Fashion AI Model Training

AI Network
AI Network
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2023

Runo NFTs directly connect resource providers with AI model developers. This is to manage resources more transparently and to create synergies between the AI development ecosystem & resource providers.

VICEVERSA are creating an AI-based fashion community platform, and AI Network DAO are providing the GPU resources for the fashion AI model training.

VICEVERSA has launched a digital fashion community platform called VIIM ( based on artificial intelligence, attracting attention from both the AI and fashion industries. VIIM aims to allow anyone to create and share fashion content and products of their choice by combining the common interest of “fashion” for people of all ages worldwide with the latest technology and generative AI.

VICEVERSA submitted a successful proposal for model training for Text to Fashion and Text to Brand in July. This request for GPU provisions is to secure additional resources to accelerate and enhance the service. The AIN DAO also approved the second proposal and the issuance of VIIM RUNO NFT was confirmed.

VICEVERSA said, “We have achieved meaningful results through the GPU Support Program we received last time. We will create more visible results through the additional resources we will add.”

The Runo NFTs to be sold this time aim to develop AI models trained by collecting and organizing fashion datasets. These trained AI models describe and generate fashion styles and products in greater and finer detail.

AI Photoshoot image

VIIM Runo NFT holders will receive 30 free uses of VIIM’s service “AI Photo Shoot” (worth 5,000 won) for each High GPU Runo purchased. “AI Photo Shoot” is a service similar to Snow and Epic, which has gained recent popularity as a generative AI photo synthesis service. This service creates a model in various fashion styles from an image of yourself and can be used on the VIIM platform.

VIIM Runo NFT purchase guide

  • Sale date: Monday, November 13, 2023 at 7 pm
  • Sale quantity: High GPU 36
  • Sale price: AIN: 55,737 / ETH: 0.420 / KRW: 1,103,592
  • Purchase method




  • Benefits for holders: 1 High GPU Runo offers 30 free use of AI Photoshoot, a paid service in the VIIM app

We recommend that you purchase AIN for RUNO purchase from the exchanges below. Please refer to the list of exchanges where you can purchase AIN.

AI Network is building an AI collaboration infrastructure ecosystem to promote the development of the AI ecosystem. The launch of VIIM Runo will apply generative AI research to various industrial fields, create various contents, and enrich the AI and AI Network ecosystem. Please give your attention to VIIM Runo and AI Network.

AI Network is a decentralized AI development ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Within its ecosystem, resource providers can earn $AIN tokens for their GPUs, developers can gain access to GPUs for open source AI programs, and creators can transform their AI creations into AINFTs. The ultimate goal of AI Network is to bring AI to Web3, where everyone can easily develop and utilize artificial intelligence.

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AI Network
AI Network

A decentralized AI development ecosystem built on its own blockchain, AI Network seeks to become the “Internet for AI” in the Web3 era.