[Announcement] AI Network’s Mainnet Node NFT ‘Runo NFT’ to launch soon

AI Network
AI Network
Published in
6 min readDec 22, 2022

Hello, AI Network community. We are about to launch a new Run-Your-Node NFT (Runo NFT) on AI Network.

The Internet for AI, at its starting point

AI Network aims to create an ‘Internet for AI’ that connects GPUs with developers around the world. We want to build an AI ecosystem of GPUs, which is a resource for AI developers and creators of open-source programs.

Good ground must be prepared for the development of AI. AI Network is the starting point for an environment where developers can develop freely without needing a huge data center. This environment should not be limited to Big Tech companies. If we gathered 99% of the GPUs in the world that are not part of Big Tech companies, we could create a larger ecosystem that supports AI programs and functions. Our goal is to create a network for decentralized global artificial intelligence development that allows everyone to coexist without relying on Big Tech.

There is already a service where Big Tech companies lend huge GPUs to general developers. Developers can borrow them for $6-$8 per hour, but a sustainable development environment is not guaranteed. Besides, there is a burden like an expensive price. Runo NFT is an NFT that will be part of our goal to connect both resource providers and developers to the Internet of Artificial Intelligence. It is an NFT that provides the necessary resources for artificial intelligence development and execution. It provides an infrastructure for artificial intelligence development, which requires an astronomical infrastructure with its own computational resources, and can also be paid for contributing to the ecosystem.

Why Runo NFT?

In June 2021, we launched the DSRV platform integration, which allows anyone to easily participate as an AI Network worker node. It was a service that easily provided nodes through the DSRV platform without building a computing infrastructure and received an AIN (token of the AI Network), as a reward.

Since the successful launch of the AI Network Mainnet in December 2021, AI Network has gone a step further by creating several AINFT projects, including Baby Shark NFT, Soul Fiction, and NFT Classics Society. AINFT will soon become a permanent identifier for the connectivity of artificial intelligence components. Artificial intelligence can be expressed as an accountable, reproducible, and valid entity, forming the basis for the Internet for AI that the community can share and manage together. As the number of AINFT projects continues to grow, we see the need for an advanced form of node participation and a reward system for AIN holders. (Note link to AINFT) In addition to the reward system and the staking service that is available using the existing DSRV platform, we are about to launch a new AIN-based Runo NFT.

What is the Runo NFT?

The main character of Runo NFT is Runo, who likes to run. Runo is a NFT that grows and changes with time. Runo Node NFT is a way to participate as a worker node in the AI Network ecosystem and provide the computational resources on which the AINFT project is based.

So far, NFTs (as static NFTs) have brought only the value of ownership or property to the table. Runo NFT is an NFT that can be used not only for ownership itself, but also in the ecosystem, increasing its value. It will play a role in proving and activating worker node participation in the AI Network ecosystem. Additional AIN rewards will also be available on projects powered by the AI Network DAO. Specifically, you can earn rewards after adopting Runo NFT by joining AIN DAO and If you join the AI Network DAO, we will notify you once the additional rewards policy is confirmed.

The benefits of Runo NFT can be summarized as follows:

1) You can be rewarded for providing computing resources

2) Depending on the activation time of the NFT node, you can make it grow over time. Runo grows with the cumulative number of operating days, and there are special benefits or events for each five-stage growth phase.

The specific stages of growth are as follows:

# Runo NFT has the following characteristics:

1. The number of Runo NFTs will be limited

Depending on the type of computing resources provided, the Runo Node NFTs will be issued in batches and categorized into CPUs, GPUs, and High-GPUs. At the launch date, a total of 90 Runo NFTs will be issued, 30 in each of the above categories.

2. Rewards are calculated from the launch date

Runo NFT has a structure in which the daily AIN reward gradually decreases with each day after the launch date (not the purchase date). Starting with the launch date, the number of daily AIN reward for each Runo NFT class CPU/GPU/High GPU is determined. In the table below, the number of daily AIN reward differs between the NFT purchased in the first month after the launch date and the NFT purchased one month later (in the second month after the launch date).

AIN Reward Structure(on a monthly basis)

The reward will be made as indicated below.

-The number of months is counted right after launch.

-Therefore, the launch date is the trigger for the calculation of the rewards (not the date of your purchase). You will get the most rewards if you buy Runo NFT on the launch date or on a date closer to it.

3. AIN will be provided as a reward

From the moment of owning a Runo NFT, owners become part of the AIN ecosystem. Owners will also receive an AIN every day as a reward for resource delivery.

The Runo NFT will be linked to the AINFT projects within the AIN DAO to share the AIN rewards offered to project contributors as node contributors

When and how to buy

The first batch of Runo NFT consists of 90 units and will be available for purchase soon. If you want to receive a pre-launch notification application, please register through the link below.


# Frequently Asked Questions

1. When does the daily AIN reward start?

-AIN reward starts automatically after setting your Runo NFT in running mode. Initially, the AIN compensation will be accumulated by credit method and you can check the balance on the AIN website. AIN compensation will be paid to the ETH address registered if you make a request.

2. Is it possible to suspend the operation of Runo NFT?

-You can put Runo NFT in stop mode on the AIN homepage. In this case, the daily compensation will be stopped. Please note that the cumulative number of Runo’s operating days will also be initialized.

-If you want to sell Runo NFT to someone else, you can sell it in Stop mode.

3. When will more Runo NFTs be issued?

Along with the launch of the Runo NFT, several marketing activities related to AI Network projects and AIN tokens will be promoted. Since the price of Runo NFT may change depending on the price variation of the AIN token in the future, we have divided the Runo NFT into several rounds to offer differentiated benefits for early buyers.

If you have any other questions, please contact the email below.

Email: contact@comcom.ai

AI Network is a blockchain protocol-based collaborative computing architecture for artificial intelligence and metaverse. With the motto ‘Bring NFTs to Life’, AI Network provides AINFT technology that enables NFTs to interact with users and data in the metaverse, transforming them into dynamic and intelligent beings.

If you want to know more about us,

Homepage: https://www.ainetwork.ai/
AI Network DAO Discord: https://link.ainize.ai/3PFmeFb
AI Network YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnyBeZ5iEdlKrAcfNbZ-wog
AI Network Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ainetworkofficial
AI Network Twitter: https://twitter.com/ainetwork_ai



AI Network
AI Network

A decentralized AI development ecosystem built on its own blockchain, AI Network seeks to become the “Internet for AI” in the Web3 era.