BotTT Ep 2: Quick Introduction to AIN Insight and AIN Faucet

AI Network
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2022

This is the second episode of our ‘Blockchain on the Tea Table’ series. You can download a printer-friendly version.

by Minsu Lee

AIN Insight is a blockchain explorer for AIN Blockchain, and AIN Faucet is a crypto faucet service for AIN Blockchain’s testnet developers.

AIN Insight

AIN Insight is designed to show AIN Blockchain’s network status on a web page and is available for both mainnet and testnet:


The home page displays the overall summary of blockchain data, such as the current block height, average block time, price of $AIN, number of transactions, TPS, and latest blocks/transactions/nodes.

Not only does it show the blockchain information, it also allows you to search by the address, transaction hash, block number, or block hash.


Transactions page shows the transaction information ordered by its generation time. You can also check out the transaction in detail by clicking transaction hash link in the transactions page. The detail page provides all information regarding the transaction, such as hash, block number, time, nonce, operations. See:


Blocks page illustrates basic block information in which includes block number, time, proposers, the number of transactions, and size etc. Block detail can simply be checked via block number link which provides all detailed block information. See:


Nodes page simply provides blockchain node status. See:


On the Database page, you can see and interact with the NoSQL-like blockchain database, as depicted in the figure above. The page updates every 20 seconds to present the latest state of the blockchain database.

AIN Faucet

We offer AIN Faucet token provider to the developers or users who want to develop and experiment dApps on the testnet.

Simply enter your account address on the input window and get 1 AIN right into your account. The hash of the transfer transaction will appear below the “Last time requested.” If you click on the transaction hash, it will take you to the transaction’s detail page on AIN Insight, where you can confirm that the transfer is made.

Keep in mind that this given AIN is ONLY valid for the testnet.

Happy coding :)

AIN Blockchain is still a young project and we’re working around-the-clock to improve its flexibility, performance, and security. For further updates, please check the following links:

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AI Network

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