Introducing our Model Spec!! OpenAI pride ourselves; On creation and distributing epic, safe, and generally good AI tech for each persons. In this spirit of giving, excitedly we show off the new Model Spec! A very detailed and very broad guide to utilize our text generation model.

AI World Vision
AI World Vision News
3 min readMay 9, 2024


Let’s take a tiny now, before we swan dive into the Model Spec; first, to understand what, exactly, is our text generation model, and of course, the working mechanisms! Broadly speaking, it’s a isn’t-just-potent AI model. Can understand plus generate text that looks much like a human did it, right after given a prompt. Through training over a huge texts dataset, becoming smart about language’s patterns, structures, and even word relationships! This results in, it can create text that is sticky with context and very together, answering broad prompts.

Now focus thine eyes, more tightened, on the Model Spec! Here is the deep stuff about what constructs our text model.

Model A-structure: A fancy neural network sits at the heart of our text generator, with prime optimization for understanding and spitting language! Built over the transformer structure thingy, which is proven really great for various language tasks that need processing!



AI World Vision
AI World Vision News

Disabled retiree trying to improve his life by writing about news in Artificial Intelligence, Crypto finance, internet protection and technological innovations.