Installation of miniconda

Aliya Siddiki
AI Perceptron
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2021

Miniconda is lower version of anaconda and anaconda required 8 Gb ram and if don't have enough space then you can use miniconda and click the the link to install the miniconda.

choose the version as per suitable to your system.

follow next all the process as shown in images.

Open conda pronmpt — search for anaconda in windows (press windows button and then type anaconda)

You will see some screen like below

Creating a new environment and doing required setups

conda create — name environment_name python==3.7.0 -y
conda activate environment_name
pip install jupyter jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install — user
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib pillow joblib scikit-learn streamlit

To Open jupyter notebook locally -

Go to root directory where you have the code and .ipynb file using “cd” command. Something like below -

cd C:\Amit\AIP_Git\AIP-ML-Basics\MNIST\AIP-ML-Basics\MNIST

Then Run following command to open jupyter notebook.

jupyter notebook

Open the .ipynb file and start running the cells. Once model is saved locally open another conda prompt and go to same directory using cd command. Then run streamlit command to open the UI.

cd C:\Amit\AIP_Git\AIP-ML-Basics\MNIST\AIP-ML-Basics\MNIST
streamlit run

