AI Converted My Words into Beautiful Art: Trial #2

Lakshan Abeyawardena
AI Picasso
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2022


“A boy looks outside his bedroom window to see the beautiful cosmos, trending on ArtStation”

AI generated art by the author

In my first post I wrote about how I came across AI Art and started experimenting with different keywords.

This is another art piece that I generated using the VQGAN+CLIP art generator. This time I used a different prompt to see what type of output the AI will come up with.

A boy looks outside his bedroom window to see the beautiful cosmos, trending on ArtStation

This is the prompt that I used. I got this prompt from a Reddit forum where others who are testing AI art like me have shared some beautiful artwork that they generated and the prompts that they used. I wanted to give it a try. I used the same settings as before, keeping the image resolution at 512 x 512 pixels, the total number of iterations at 250, and to see updates every 50 iterations. Following are the results:

Iteration 50: It looks like a rough sketch done by an artist, but I could see the head of a boy in the middle of the image. There’s…

