Hands-on Application Of Algorithms on Scikit Learn(AI Saturdays Nairobi)

Felicity Mecha
2 min readSep 3, 2018


In spite of the biting cold that was on this first Saturday of September the members of AI Saturday Nairobi study group made their way to the Africa’s Talking offices. On the learning agenda was the sk-learn tool that has a lot of machine learning libraries and algorithms inbuilt.

The objective was to do a hands-on exercise on Linear regression and k-nearest neighbors

We began with using a datasets that tries to analyse the relationship between years of experience and salary. Using Logistic regression we were able to plot a line of best fit on the data successfully. And using the train-test data split we were able to check how well our model performed

And of course a comparison of the predictions made on the test set versus the actual values of the test set.

Also we explored a classification challenge using the famous iris dataset and the Nearest neighbors classifier. By changing the values of k we could annalyse how thw model performed given different values of k.

All in all it was an educative experience and we are looking forward to many more to come.

