Write for us

Share your AI content with a larger audience.

AI Science
2 min readJun 18, 2023


AI Science Publication


Welcome to AI Science publication! You are ready to contribute your unique insights and content.
Our subjects are machine learning, deep learning and whatnot. You play a crucial role in shaping the content that will inspire our readers. We wrote a few guidelines to ensure your contributions bring the most value. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!


Here are the guidelines for writers contributing to our publication:

  1. Original Content: We expect all writers to submit original content bringing value to our readers. Avoid plagiarism and duplicate articles.
  2. We focus on AI, Data science, machine learning, deep learning and whatnot. We reject submissions on other subjects.
  3. To improve the reader experience, ensure your article has a clear structure. Include a captivating title, a subtitle, and different sections organizing your content.
  4. Use images with proper licenses. Provide the source URL and author information inside the image caption/description. If you are the author of the image, set the caption as “image by @your_medium_username”. For external sources, use “Image by author_name on url_source.com”.
  5. Before submitting your article, thoroughly review it. To fix grammatical and punctuation errors, you can use tools such as Grammarly (https://app.grammarly.com/) and Hemingway (https://hemingwayapp.com/) to assist you.
  6. Word Count: Aim for a word count between 800 to 1500 words. We may accept different lengths according to the content quality.

Those guidelines maintain the quality and integrity of the publication.

Add your story

Whether your story is a draft or already published, follow the next steps:

  1. Edit your story
  2. Clicks on “add publication”
  3. Select AI Science publication
Select AI Science publication

We appreciate your contributions and look forward to sharing your work with our readers. Happy writing!



AI Science

Talk about Data Science, Machine Learning and Engineering @MIT @OpenClassrooms