Fields of Work That are Most Threatened by AI Technology

Michael Diliberto
AI Technology
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

According to a CBS news article, many intelligent public figures have expressed their concerns with computers overtaking humans in the workforce in the future. They speak of Jerry Kaplan, who is the author of the newly released “Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial intelligence”. Kaplan believes that within the next two decades, self-driving cars may lead to the unemployment of many of the more than three million licensed professional drivers in our country. On a world-wide scale that is a huge amount of lost jobs, and that is the driving industry alone. As far as more specialized and advanced fields of work, Kaplan discusses this as well. Kaplan states “Even what you think of as advanced professions that require a great deal of specialization and expertise, the vast majority of the work is routine, and it’s those routine tasks which can be now taken over by computers, so that what used to take the work of 20 lawyers may be done by five lawyers, or 20 doctors may be done by five doctors,” In this example, that is a 75 percent cut in workers needed. If Artificial Intelligence is able to cut the demand for workers by 75 percent in multiple aspects of the workforce, life as we know it will change drastically and our country will be in complete turmoil. This article also breezes over the reporting field as computers are making their way into reporting as well. NBC states that At The Associated Press, approximately 4,000 corporate earning stories are being written by computers. According to CEO Robbie Allen, thanks to the Durham, North Carolina based company, Automated Insights, we are now able to generate millions of stories in minutes or hours. This obviously exceeds human production and is a huge threat to many reporting jobs. No matter what field of work you look into, it is frightening to think of the ways AI technology will take away from human employment.

CBS News. (2015, September 05). Will artificial intelligence overtake humans in the workplace? Retrieved from z_ /

