Opinions on Campus Part II

Michael Diliberto
AI Technology
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

After talking to a student at the University of Buffalo that was not concerned with the impact of AI technology in the future workforce, I wanted to speak to someone on the other end of the spectrum. Finding someone to have this discussion was more difficult than I expected it to be. After looking for the perfect candidate on campus, my classmate Matthew had plenty to share. When starting at the University of Buffalo in 2016, Matthew was a Finance major, and wanted to pursue a career in financial analysis after graduation. After looking into the sections of the workforce that AI technology is most likely able to replace jobs down the road, Matthews plan has changed. He decided to change to pursuing an HR degree. An HR manager is a job that is most likely to never be taken over or computerized. Working as a manager in the HR department is one of the most human dominant jobs available as you have to have a strong connection with your employees and they have to have trust in you and feel they can reach out to you at any time. This would not work with a computerized system as the employees would not feel that same sense of trust that they do with their human manager. It was nice to see that some of the workers of the future are taking these matters into consideration when they are deciding what career path is right for them before it is too late, and they are left with a degree and no employment opportunity. This blogging assignment has been interesting, and it was nice to learn this much information on AI technology in the future workforce. I hope this has been helpful to some of you and wish you the best in your future career path.

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