3 Social Problem can be solved with the help of machine learning/Artificial Intelligence.

Gaurav Shrivastava
AITS Journal
2 min readJul 26, 2019


Picture Credit: Brother UK

There are lots of problems in our world which can be solved with machine learning and make our life easy.following are the basic problem which needs to be solved in order to help all people.

AI Tutor

Education is one of the most crucial parts of our system. All people have different ways of thinking and they took their time and learn differently based on aptitude they have or based on the understanding they have. Some slow and some fast, So we need some things that can help each and every individual. For a teacher, it will be a very difficult thing to do but with the help of ai tutor we can resolve this problem and can help individual’s problem anywhere in the world.this can help society to educate each and every individual in a more effective way.


Health is always one of the things that we humans always care about, that’s why a lot of research has been happening in our current time whether it is related to genetics or whether is related to age reversing. Now we can hear lots of news about them. With the help of AI, we can help to identify disease from x rays which will definitely better than human to identify disease from x rays.we can identify diseases like pneumonia, etc.we can also identify diabetes from image retina,this is also one of the applications of computer vision too.we can also calculate whether the given drug will cure the disease or not. Based on the need we have, machine learning can also help people in healthcare.


Agriculture is very vital for each and every individual in our world. In order to get a good quantity of food, we need to perform all the agriculture process properly. but a lot of farmers are not well educated, so they do everything based on their intuition they have from experience .that’s why almost ⅓ crops always damage because farmers don’t know what to do, So here AI can play its part, AI can suggest fertilizers/ techniques to farmers to increase yield based on the soil, weather, etc.

