Real World ML

Gaurao Diwase
AITS Journal
2 min readJul 26, 2019


Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash

“Data is the new oil “, they say. Data helps us learn to do good in the future. Analysis of data and proper inference drawn from it may lead us to land on very accurate decisions. Why not use data to teach machines to make decisions for us, why not automate the entire world. Creating a beautiful world where machines and humans share the same environment. Machine Learning could be easily used to take some essential decisions for us like help us suggest the crop to sow on the basis of weather, soil, water level, etc. Isn't it amazing?

Let's take a look where you and I can together with can do some work in these areas.:-

1. In Agriculture (Globally)

We can do a lot using machine learning for farmers like training a model to get to know what crop seeds to sow based on the factors affecting it. from the data set consisting of columns like temperature, pluviometer (a device required to measure rain), type of soil, temperature, salinity, drought, pesticides, pH of the soil, heavy, etc metals as they affect all metabolic activities of the plant. Inferencing from this data, Model suggests what crop to cultivate at a particular time of the year to get the best of the cultivation.

2. Machine Learning in Transportation

Based on the travel history and pattern of traveling across various routes, machine learning can help transportation companies predict potential problems that could arise on certain routes, and accordingly advise their customers to opt for a different route. This could prove really beneficial for transportation firms and delivery organizations and even Ambulances to choose the right path to get the product/service/patient deployed to the destination or Hospital in the shortest possible path.

3. Machine Learning in HealthCare

We can do a lot using machine learning for HealthCare Industry:-

● Predicting the disease a person is suffering from, on the basis of symptoms

● Suggesting the medicines taking various factors under Consideration

● Also, one of the most recent ongoing exploration in this industry is making a medicine for the illness/disease using the humongous amount of data available from past



Gaurao Diwase
AITS Journal

An undergraduate constantly gaining knowledge in fields of Software Engineering. Passionate about Data science and Machine learning.