What is AI versus ML ?

Christelle Vinot
Incredible journey to AI
3 min readJan 8, 2018

As part of my journey on understanding AI this is where I started “What is the difference between AI and ML? I realized by the way that for many people these are the same thing: / however they are 2 distinct areas of computing, very well connected… So after a bit of research on the internet I took the 2 first link that popped up and here there are,

What it AI versus ML?

First reference on google


Originally Answered: What is the difference between AI and ML? Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science which deals with computers having human level intelligence. Whereas machine learning is actually one of the technique to train artificially intelligent system. You can see ML as a sub-branch of AI.

Cup of It: Ok so I get that AI is a computer/machine with the capability to behave like us human.

Machine learning is a set of techniques to create an AI.

Now let’s have a look at the second reference that popped up.


Artificial Intelligence is the broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way that we would consider “smart”.


Machine Learning is a current application of AI based around the idea that we should really just be able to give machines access to data and let them learn for themselves.

Cup of It: Ok so now I get that AI is a computer/machine with the capability to carry intelligent task. I believe intelligent in the sense that the machine can make a decision like us human would make.

Machine learning is an application of AI…. Errr I thought AI was the application of ML?? And AI has the capability to learn by itself with the help of ML?

So after this research I was a little bit confused and started to do dig for more information.

One of the best channel I like learning from is Udacity (btw I do not work for them, or know anyone from this company), I also like learning from YouTube (Siraj Raval, Google, Ted Talks and other, but for this question I’d say that Udacity has been the most helpful source.

AI: The goal of AI is to create a Machine that can mimic a human mind. To perform this, the AI needs first of all, the ability to collect information, interpret the data it’s learning with reasoning and logic, and take decision. A good example of AI is Sophia a real, live electronic girl.

On the other side

ML: Machine learning is more focused on writing lines of codes that can learn from past experience. Machine Learning is more related to data mining and statistics than is it to AI.

Tom Mitchell a professor at Carnegie Mellon University define ML as >> “A computer program is said to learn from experience “E” with respect to some class of task ‘T’ and performance measure ‘P’, if its performance at task ‘T’, as measured by ‘P’, improves with experience ‘E’.”

(Yes I got confused here …)

So in simple word:

If a machine can improve itself on how it performs a task based on previous experience, then this can be called machine learning.

