Use AI to level-up your writing game

Lakshan Abeyawardena
AI Wordsmith
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2022


Why writers need to start using AI assistance for content creation

Neon sign which reads “This is the sign you’ve been looking for”
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Look around you... Robots are taking over. A lot of routine and mundane tasks that we used to perform manually are now being automated. People are losing jobs to machines and software.

I believe that the future of work belongs to people who know how to instruct a piece of software or a machine to do exactly what has to be done and to get it done efficiently and effectively.

If there’s one thing that Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot do properly yet, it is creative thinking. You might argue with me on this if you have heard about OpenAI’s DALL-E. Well you’re not entirely wrong. I’ve seen some images DALL-E has created and they look pretty creative. However, my argument is that if DALL-E created an image of a cat wearing a funny hat, it’s because someone told it to create “cat wearing funny hat”. If someone told it to “create an image of a cat which will make people laugh” and DALL-E came up with the same image of a cat wearing a funny hat, then OMG (I really need to research on this)! It’s time for all of us in the creative industry to start looking for new jobs.

Well, this should be enough of an intro to AI and I now have to get to the point. If you like to write, then you don’t need to put so much effort into it anymore. You can use an…

