Spreading Happiness Through Artificial Intelligence

Habeeb Shopeju
AI Abeokuta
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2019

It’s 2019, 16 years from 2035; the year in which many people first came across Artificial Intelligence, thanks to Hollywood through the movie I, Robot.

Artificial Intelligence is a long way off from what is expected in 2035 today, but in preparing for the future, it is essential to spread the gospel of Artificial Intelligence.

Today, tech meetups play a significant role in the tech ecosystem. Artificial Intelligence Saturdays, Abeokuta is one of such incredible meetups put together to get excited and put AI to great use.

It has been joy all the way here at AI Saturdays, Abeokuta ever since holding the very first meetup on the 8th of September, 2018.

Every meetup Saturday has left us with great memories, working through the challenges to come together, networking, learning, building and taking our small steps towards contributing positively to the world.

The first cycle was remarkable; every time we had to meet at HIC MikroLAB, Asero, Abeokuta, it proved to be an excellent way to have a good tech owambe.

A Happy Family

Come along, let’s dive into the world of every AI6er here at Abeokuta.

Happiness in Networking

You’d find a lot of people at meetups; this is the same with the AI6 Abeokuta community. You’ll see the Nerds, Geeks, Weirdos, Introverts, Extroverts all coming together to network and meet other amazing people.

As a member, I got to meet a new person each week who amazed me; and even people coming from outside the city of Abeokuta.

If there is anything guaranteed, it’s the fact that you are sure to find people with the same knowledge of AI as you, people with all levels of expertise of the technology.

It’s no doubt a well-rounded community of AI6ers, and we are excited about meeting more amazing people in the next cycle.

By sharing happiness through networking, we are learning, building and taking our small steps towards contributing positively to the world.

Happiness in Gaining Knowledge

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

― Socrates

You’ll meet people with different levels of understanding of Artificial Intelligence. But everybody is equal.


No matter how little, everybody knows enough to teach others, and everybody is open to learning new things. Learning is a journey, a continuous process.

An ongoing study session

Every AI6er is ambitious, looking to learn more and find ways to apply the gained knowledge to real-world problems.

By sharing happiness in gaining knowledge, AI6 moves faster as a study group, lending each other with a helping hand.

Happiness in Building

For every AI6er, learning is not enough; we apply.

You’ll find people with amazing ideas and marveling perspective to problems.

Representatives at the First Bank Innovate Hackathon, October 2018.

The excitement to build cool, useful stuff keeps us all happy together. Every Saturday of class brings us closer to building AI-driven software, working as a team to get things working.

Happiness in planning, researching, coding, debugging and packaging software brings us together more in one spirit of teamwork.

Happiness in Helping a Noble Cause

What use is striving to gain knowledge if it won’t make us better?

What use is striving to gain knowledge if it won’t impact our community?

Every AI6er learns to become good citizens and help their communities in the ways they can. Everyone is open to brainstorming ideas to the problems being faced.

We can’t save the world, but we can make it better together. We share happiness in helping a noble cause.

We Converge

27th April 2019, AI6ers begin another cycle of fun-filled classes. You are welcome to become one of us, as the group is excited to have you.

AI6 Abeokuta

We are however sourcing for funds and hope you can contribute in your little way towards making AI6 stay afloat.

Join us on the 27th of April for the first meetup in the second cycle at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Oke Mosan, Abeokuta.

