Prashant Shetty
AIA Singapore Technology Blog
3 min readJun 22, 2023


It would be very hard for someone to look at CTC and say its just 2 years old, CTC did mega job to grow to this scale today, In 2 years we managed to grow to almost 100 members, we started developing and supporting Singapore prime projects, we collaborated well with BTC and SG Teams. Since we achieved so many awesome things we decided we should celebrate it with an awesome party

Ingredients for successful party is simple, you need to gather all cool people(yes I was there in the party) Invite some celebrities (All delegates from Singapore came for party) book an awesome venue (event was in Kelab Komuniti Cyberjaya right across lake, just in case if someone fancied a swim after the party and right opposite to mini-golf, we got everyone covered), get a popular host, excellent DJ , host few fun games and lots lots of food and best of all gifts for everyone.

Kudos to organizers, they did fantastic job of arranging food, gift, decorating event hall to making sure shows run smoothly.

Party kicked off on Friday evening of 26th May 2023 with snack loaded tables for everyone (organizers didn’t wanted anyone to stop munching throughout the party), we were all dressed up pretty and were all sitting in respective micro/mega team(next time we should switch it up, my team must be bored of looking at my face by now)

There were lot of games in the event

Pictionary game : teams were asked to draw what comes to their mind when they think about CTC and present it.

Jeopardy Game show : I don’t want to say who won and who almost won, all I can say it still hurts to lead all rounds and loosing all in last 1 round. But congratulations to winning team.

There were CTC journey videos and tributes from different team members.

There was award show to appreciate the contribution of CTC members.

It was fun filled party, we have really grown large as CTC in 2 years and event was reflection of it, We already have set our bars high so there is no looking back we strive to give our best and keep growing and enjoy the each remarkable growth with an awesome party.

