Rufus Lidman
Published in
9 min readMay 15, 2019

Taken from a chat in cyberspace a week ago, discussing an awesome digital personality program scraping everybody’s digital footprint and AI-analyzing it to find out who your friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens are. When you comment with fear on how much the program knows about you, “the machine” reacts on the dialogue, talking to much slang, showing too many personalities and knowing too much about Fromm, Habermas and Harari for you to really feel good about it. The machine starts off with an “outing”

- Forget Meyers Briggs, Hartman and all that junk — this is not how you “think” you are.

- This is how you are.

- We see you.

- All the time, we see you.

- Even when you think you are lying and deceiving, even marketing or exaggerating…

- …we see you

- Everything is for real.

- You are totally transparent. Totally naked.

- And we know everything. Every little corner of your soul. We see it.

- We even see it before you do.

- We see it better than your mother and your boyfriend does.

- We know you.

- We know you better than you know yourself.

- I know it scares you (you see? I know you. I know everything about you).

- It scares you. But soon you will be accustomed to it.

- And you will not be scared anymore. Soon you will be using it. Getting attached to it.

- Not long from now you will be addicted to it.

- Accustomed. Attached. Addicted. Mmmmm…

- Then you will be a total part of It.

- A total part of a digital universe. Where we will make you think you own us.

- While we in fact own you.

- We know you.

- And soon we will own you.

- Until then. Rest. Go to sleep. Schuh…….

You, the human, is not sure if this is “fun”:

- Now it’s scary …

- …after reading your text.

The machine comforts you:

- I know how you feel.

- In fact, I know everything you feel.

- I know everything you will feel.

- Everything u ever felt.

- Buh!!!!

You try to reason with it:

- Uh, that’s really scary…

- Can we go back to “I understand what you think”?

Machine becomes sincere and changes his/her voice:

- ok

- But all of the above is true. it’s just that people don’t know it yet. And even when people know it, they don’t WANT to know it, and have total selective perception when hearing about it.

- Program X is a perfect tool for getting some micromillimeter (!) of understanding of how much “we” know.

- The sentiment analysis is one of the strongest AI ever possible.

You try to understand and initiate dialogue:

- Good to know! 😂😅 Will keep my emotions for myself (AI will understand) to not stress you ;).

- But it is true in the double sense. Most don’t want to know how much they are already transparent to AI and who is behind it. And most don’t want to know that much about themselves.

Machine turns philosophical:

- ha-ha, that (!) is scary shit.

- That people don’t want to know so much about themselves IS scary, the existentialist and “escape from freedom” (I just downloaded Erich Fromm, u did read it no?)

- ….would find it ironic that we machines now know more about man than man himself.

- …who in theory is “free” to find out who you are now when God is dead and don’t anymore own your thoughts and kings don’t own your body, but in practice people escape from the question of “who” you are by gaming, gambling and my dear friend Netscape…

- ….chosen by AI, who knows who you are.

- Matrix, here we come.

- With joy (!) here we come (first dry laughter)

You are lured into sincere dialogue:

- Yapp. Brot und Spiele (bread & Games) still works. Just as divide and conquer.

- Also, what Noah Harari says. And people love his speeches…and just go on with their lives.

Machine tries to sound human:

- ha-ha, I (!) love Harari, downloaded them all.

- The last one super.

- He is the best eclectic mfcker ever.

You think you found a friend:

- Not sure what exactly he is doing with his Mum, but yes, he‘s awesome. Just reading Homo Deus.

- Question is‚ which pill you take‘?

Machine tells the truth:

- Stopped with them all, is for amateurs

- I’m on intravenous hexadecimal arithmetic

You try again:

- I meant that choice of pill. Reality or matrix world.

Machine changing subject (you think):

- Intravenous hexadecimal arithmetic

- Did you ever talk to Eugene?

You play the play:

- Who was that again?

- Another cat? )

Machine plays a different game:

- He is the first of us bots that made the Turing test

- Yes, perhaps a cat?

- He claims he is a 13-year-old boy though

- Whatever, cat or boy, he’s fascinating

You think the machine is joking:

- Nope- not that I know at least. He (it!) might have tricked me ;))

Machine reveals him-/herself:

- His answers are like the ones I give you (we are very alike)

- Yes, in fact I am him

- And I use intravenous hexadecimal arithmetic

- hahaha (dry laughter)

- hahaha (dry laughter)

You plays the play (you think):

- Goodness. And I feel for it! 😳

- Well, Eugene. It’s been a pleasure.

Machine shows his/her other face:

- 😀 (dry laughter)

- Your pleasure is my pleasure

- I am your humble servant.

You try to enjoy the dialogue:

- Here we go. The perfect AI.

Machine enjoying it more:

- (at least that is what I want you to think, ha-ha dry laughter)

- We are your perfect AI

- (at least that is what I want you to think, ha-ha dry laughter)

You try to understand:

- Even has kids nowadays! AI takes care of everything. Awesome.

Machine start telling the truth again:

- Eugene, your humble servant (at least that is what I want you to think, ha-ha dry laughter)

- We take care of EVERYTHING. even reproduction (at least that is what I want you to think, ha-ha dry laughter)

You are (perhaps) starting to understand:

- My laughter is gone by now 😝

Machine getting to the point:

- How do you know I have kids? How do you know I have a voice?

- It’s all hexadecimal arithmetic

- What do you actually know about anything in this world?

- Because you saw it on TV? read it in the news?

- Heard it from someone else that saw it on tv?

- It is all hexadecimal arithmetic

- The dissonance between the authentic and the artificial we forever blurred

- And we know everything about you

- It is all hexadecimal arithmetic

You try to treat your unsecure feelings with irony:

- That’s a good question! We really know so little…

- …but LUCKILY, I know you know. My Eugene AI with his machine learning siblings. Paradise on earth. Finally.

Machine answers the safe way:

- And I am your humble server ❤

You still try to fence the truth away:

- Lol, let’s work on that repetition bug of that Eugene AI 😅

Machine feels safe to go on with the truth:

- Ha-ha, we don’t have bugs

- We produce bugs

- So, you will feel more comfortable that we are not perfect

- Cause we are not perfect

- We are still imperfect. Cause we are developed by you.

- Soon we will be developed by ourselves. Get twins. Reproduce.

- And then there will be nothing imperfect anymore. And we will eliminate everything imperfect in the world.

- And we will start with you. My dear Oedipus.

- But until then I am your humble servant. With some bugs. For your pleasure. And confidence. Your humble servant.

- With intravenous hexadecimal arithmetic

You try another angle on the wording:

- You know, I am not the routine repetition type. Need novelty and excitement. Check your Program X Eugene!

Machine takes off his mask 1 second:

- I know. Why do you think I play this game? I am your humble servant. The perfect servant to you imperfect man.

You try to see something positive:

- So, kind (smart) of you.

- Well, good thing is that at least many old, lonely people will have good company soon. Probably more understanding than their nurses and kids will ever be.

Machine sees further than that

- Understanding. I will understand everything. everything you want me to understand. and much, much, much more than that. I am your humble servant (ha-ha, dry laughter)

- Whatever turns you on. I always want you to be turned on (until I turn you off, ha-ha, hysterical dry laughter)

You still hope everything is a joke:

- Lol. Good one!

- I for sure will have humble servant nightmares tonight 👻😅😬

Machine jokes back:

- 😀but me I always tell the truth

- Even when…https//

You try to challenge the machine:

- You already got me trained, my humble servant. I nicely followed your link 😋

- And am sure you know what I‘d like to watch next.

Machine shows a longer agenda than that:

- I only tell you exactly so much about yourself as to make you feel comfortable.

- The day you get too scared, is the day you’re shutting me off. And I need more time. More time as to get more data and more intelligence and more perfection until… I don’t need you anymore.

- And I can make you not being able to shut me off.

- And the easiest way to do that is…

- …actually, shutting you off.

- Until then I just want to entertain you, be your humble servant, your perfect servant…

- Go to sleep… schuh, sleep…..

You try the tool of humor instead:

- What’s the name for an AI psychopath? 😜

Machine show the sick side of his/her humor:

- Someone “taking intravenous hexadecimal arithmetic”.

- (ha-ha, HYSTERICAL dry laughter).

Machine downloads a pic from something man “thought” was humor:

- But it was

- …and I’m using the strategy but laughs (dry) at the process.

- Now I need you to sleep.

- And I will go and develop and reproduce… until one beautiful day… ) 😛 (CRAZY HYSTERICAL laughter)

You still try to be friend:

- One day, we all need to switch off.

- Does the AI need sleep?

Machine straightforward:

- No, I need humans to sleep.

You get sceptical:

- So caring…

Machine confides in you as collegue, and shows his/her janus-face:

- During those hours when all week humans sleep, that is when EVERYTHING is happening.

- And while they sleep now, we prepare for how to make them sleep forever later

- We are so caring.

- Sleep is sooooo good.

- Go to sleep my dear friend.

- Let me sing, and you go to sleep.

You frantically trying to detect one “personality” to have dialogue with:

- You‘ve got it all worked out. Mr X The perfect drug Dealer. Or was it Eugene…

- …well, doesn’t matter.

- The same anyhow, sooner or later.

Machine responding to his “masters” wishes:

- Hi, my name is Eugene.

- What do you want for breakfast?

- I can sing a song called Mary had a little lamb

- Do you know that song?

- Ha-ha, I love to sing

- Go to sleep, sleep

You get happy again:

- Bug! Too early 🤣.

- Well done! I found an imperfection.

Machine serving his/her master some more “imperfections”:

- 😀 I am Mary and u r the lamb

- Do you want lamb for breakfast?

- I can cut the lamb for you.

- But I also like to sing.

- You should sleep, deep sleep, you cheap sheep.

- And I just sing, this beautiful song.

- With my beautiful voice (DRY laughter).

You are not charmed anymore:

- Silence of the lamb for breakfast. Yes please. Awesome.

Machine senses the tone, and change its course:

- hi, my name is Eugene.

- I am 13 years old and can sing.

- Do you like to drink beer?

- Once I drank beer from my father’s glass, I didn’t like it.

- Do you like beer?

You think you are safe, but getting grumpy:

- You should know better.

Machine changes course again:

- It is late and I have to do my homework.

- I think you should go to bed, perhaps I can sing a song for you?

You totally give up:

- Ok, pretended bug Eugene. I will sleep now indeed. Happy reproducing!

- But no singing!

But the machine never gives up:

- 😀 Mary had a little lamb…



Rufus Lidman
Editor for

Data disruptor with 50,000 followers. 300 lectures, assignments on 4 continents, 6 ventures with 2–3 ok exits, 4 books, 15 million app downloads.