Let’s Understand Stable Diffusion Inpainting

Vadim Titko
Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2023

You can read the original version of this article on my blog.

Image was generated XpucT/Deliberate SD finetune

In this article, we’ll explore the simplest approach to using Stable Diffusion for image inpainting. We all know that the best way to understand something is by doing it, so in this guide we’ll enhance the existing StableDiffusionImg2ImgPipeline from diffusers to solve inpainting tasks.

It’s better to use either StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline or StableDiffusionInpaintPipelineLegacy from the 🤗 Diffusers library for your real-world tasks. These options are more comprehensive. The first one is specifically designed to work with SD models that have been fine-tuned for inpainting tasks.

All the code, images and requirements can be found in my GitHub repository diffusers-inpainting.

How Stable Diffusion Works

Let’s begin with a brief theory lesson. Stable Diffusion is a diffusion model that generates images by operating on the latent representations of those images. The algorithm looks like this:

  1. Stable Diffusion retrieves the latents of the given image from a variational autoencoder (VAE).
  2. It uses CLIP to obtain embeddings of the given prompt.
  3. The diffusion process takes place using a UNet-like model, utilizing the latents from the first step and the prompt embeddings from the second step.
  4. Finally, the result of the diffusion process is decoded using the VAE.

If we want to focus only on text-to-image generation without the need for image-to-image, we can skip the first step and begin the diffusion process directly from noise. This scheme is oversimplified, but it accurately captures the main idea.

But what is the diffusion process? It’s a process in which a UNet-like model receives latents and prompt embeddings as inputs, then adds noise to the latents or starts directly from noise if it’s not an image-to-image task. The amount of noise added is determined by a hyperparameter.

The UNet, given initial latents and prompt embeddings, predicts noise, which is then subtracted from the input. The resulting output is passed through the UNet again, making it an iterative algorithm. So at each diffusion step, the model “cleans out” noise from the latents. After several dozen iterations, we obtain VAE latents that can be decoded into an image. The number of iterations is also a hyperparameter.

This process is depicted in the diagram below. If you want to understand this process better, I advise you read the paper High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models, and go through the StableDiffusionImg2ImgPipeline implementation.

Image from the paper High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models

How To Make Inpainting Work

There are several approaches to incorporate Stable Diffusion (SD) for inpainting tasks. One such method is to fine-tune the original SD model. RunwayML has implemented this approach, making runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting checkpoint:

First 595k steps regular training, then 440k steps of inpainting training at resolution 512x512 on “laion-aesthetics v2 5+”. For inpainting, the UNet has 5 additional input channels (4 for the encoded masked-image and 1 for the mask itself) whose weights were zero-initialized after restoring the non-inpainting checkpoint.

But lots of finetunes were not trained on inpainting tasks at all. So, how can we use them for this task?

At each iteration step, we can substitute the area that is not under the mask with the original image latents plus the amount of noise needed for this step. We’ll leave the area under the mask untouched. This way, we will make sure SD only changes the masked area. And at the same time, SD will know about the area that needs to stay the same.

Let’s see how we can update StableDiffusionImg2ImgPipeline to work this way. At each step I’ll provide the GitHub link to the required line in the diffusers-inpainting repository.

  1. Add new parameter mask to the __call__ method
mask_image: Union[torch.FloatTensor, PIL.Image.Image] = None,

2. Check that mask_image is not None

if mask_image is None:
raise ValueError("`mask_image` input cannot be undefined.")

3. Preprocess the mask

mask = prepare_mask(mask=mask_image)

4. Resize input mask to the size of the latents which VAE outputs

height, width = mask.shape[-2:]
mask = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
mask, size=(
height // self.vae_scale_factor,
width // self.vae_scale_factor

5. At the end of each diffusion step, substitute the area which is not under the mask with original input latents plus noise needed for this step. Leave the area under the mask untouched.

# Adding noise to original latents
init_latents_proper = self.scheduler.add_noise(
init_latents, noise, t

# Using mask
mask = (mask > 0.5).to(prompt_embeds.dtype)
latents_with_noise = (
mask * latents_with_noise + (1 - mask) * init_latents_proper

That’s it. With this setup, we’ll make SD generate something inside the masked area. The unmasked area will be left untouched because we substituted it with the original latents at each diffusion step. And because SD can change only the area under the mask, it will force itself to make it consistent with the whole image. At the same time, it will try to follow the prompt.


Below you can find the result of this algorithm, generated with the model redstonehero/Yiffymix_Diffusers, which doesn’t have any inpainting checkpoint.

Prompt: face of a yellow cat, high resolution, sitting on a park bench

The gif below shows the denoising process for this image

Denoising process for inpainting algorithm

This algorithm works and can give decent results. However, it performs poorly when we want to simply remove the object from the masked area. Let’s compare the performance of runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1–5 using our pipeline with runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting using StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline. It’s important to note that runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting was specifically trained for the inpainting task.

To remove an object from the image, let’s provide an empty prompt to the model. With an empty prompt, the model will attempt to make the masked area as consistent with the rest of the image as possible.

Comparison of simple and specifically trained pipelines

So, we can see that our algorithm failed, but SD inpainting performed quite well. Additionally, a model specifically fine-tuned on the inpainting task will be able to produce better and more consistent results for text-guided image inpainting.


The algorithm we’ve implemented today may be a good choice if there’s no inpainting model available for fine-tuning. However, if there is an inpainting model specifically trained for the task, it’s undoubtedly better to use it.


