Jeya Suriya
#aictespices IoT Club Blog Contest 2023
4 min readJan 8, 2023

The automotive industry has evolved a lot since the development of the first steam engine-powered car by Carl Benz in 1886. Then the market was dominated by the gasoline and the diesel engines, but now the trend is gradually moving into electric. This doesn’t mean only the engine has been replaced by efficient and silent motors; the real game changing technology entered the field of automotives……AUTOMATION IN AUTOMOTIVE it’s not just fancy by its name, but it is also hella fascinating to know about. Nowadays even gasoline and diesel cars have IOT in them. If you are interested to know about the applications of IOT IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY hold tight and enjoy!!

The term IOT refers to a network of hardware(sensors) and clouds linked by software, for retrieving data or commanding the device. Many companies have been working in implementing IOT in automotive industry, and even succeeded. IOT has made even science fiction come true. For example, with the help of the seamlessly connected AI and IOT we can even summon a car from the garage merely with our voice. There are a lots of concept cars in the industry which uses enormous amount of IOT technology to give the best experience.

Here are some of the common applications IOT technology used in commercial cars:

1. Vehicle security by Telematics:

By fitting suitable sensors for each part of the vehicle we can read the data. With the help of the improving mobile network technologies, the car owners can easily track the health of the vehicle from anywhere.

This also ensures our security features. For example, fitting a camera on the dashboard can record the video of the person trying to forcefully enter the car without access. It could also send alarms to the local police station as well as to the user. GPS modules attached to the vehicle can be track its real-time position.

Mobile application which displays every stats

2. Maintenance:

As mentioned before, perfectly hitching AI and IOT can be used for predictive analysis. The AI has some predefined algorithms which are fed by the data received from the sensors. This processed data tells the user about the current condition of the parts, as well as it predicts the possible problems just in the dashboard and even sends a warning message to our mobile phones.

3. Autonomous driving:

This technology is the hottest topic among automobile manufacturers. This is because if every vehicle is self sufficient to drive on its own, it follows certain rules, so the probably of getting into an accident is very low. Although there is a low chance of making all vehicles completely autonomous, semi-autonomous cars are assisting drivers in launch control, anti-skid braking system, lane assist system, etc.,

Car processing the surrounding data and acts accordingly

4. Fleet management:

This is one of the most important uses of IOT devices in commercial cargo shipping. This is nothing but getting periodic data about the shipment. By incorporating IOT with the fleet, we can monitor the real-time location, vehicle speed, route, condition of the cargo and even monitor the driver.

Information from the fleet can be managed from anywhere

For example, Intellia IOT is one such company which provides solution to this problem.

5. Interconnection:

By IOT vehicles connected with the nearby vehicles on road we can share some important data that helps in preventing accidents and creating path for emergency vehicles. It uses proximity sensors to avoid collisions. Pedestrians can also access the location the taxis. Vehicles can locate traffic lights, tolls, petrol stations.

Vehicle communicates with other vehicle, pedestrians and sensors


IOT is a budding technology which has the potential to do achieve a comfortable mode of living. Incorporating it with the automotive industry enhances risks reduction and cost reduction, customising the vehicle as per the consumers’ need. It also provides easy access to all information about our vehicle and most importantly, used to bind us with the vehicle in a most effective way.

Thank you!

