AID:Tech at the DC Blockchain Summit: Building Disaster Resiliency with Blockchain Solutions

Niall Dennehy
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2023


AID:Tech, one of the leading providers of blockchain solutions for disaster relief, recently showcased their Kare platform and wallet for Disaster Relief Disbursements at the DC Blockchain Summit. The summit was attended by numerous US congressmen and senators, and it highlighted how AID:Tech is at the forefront of building disaster resiliency while providing a blockchain-based solution that can help survivors

AID:Tech’s Kare Platform
AID:Tech’s Kare platform is a revolutionary way to provide instant payments to those affected by disasters. This system was developed in partnership with Saint Vincent De Paul DSC and leverages blockchain technology to deliver real-time payments directly to those in need. By using an innovative payment engine, Kare ensures that all transactions are secure, traceable, and fraud-resistant. This helps ensure that funds are allocated quickly and accurately — without any loss or delay due to administrative issues — and get where they are needed most.

Building Back Better with Blockchain
At the DC Blockchain Summit, AID:Tech showcased their work in a video called “Building Back Better with Blockchain” which demonstrated how blockchain solutions can be used to improve disaster recovery efforts. The video highlighted how using distributed ledger technology (DLT) can help provide better transparency for donations made during times of crisis, ensuring that resources are put to their best use. It also showed how DLT can streamline aid delivery processes by eliminating manual paperwork and creating a direct connection between donors and those in need — which means faster aid delivery times for those affected by disasters.

AID:Tech has shown politicians from around the country just how powerful blockchain solutions can be when it comes to providing disaster relief. They have demonstrated that they have solutions that work — and work well — in order to help those affected by disasters get back on their feet as soon as possible. It is now up to these politicians to take this seriously for their constituents and look into incorporating blockchain technologies into their own disaster relief initiatives moving forward. Only then will we be able to truly build back better after tragedies occur.

