AID:Tech’s Integration with Amazon Business APIs Featured in the Wall Street Journal

Niall Dennehy
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2022

AID:Tech recently made headlines in the Wall Street Journal, where our API integration with Amazon Business was featured. In addition, AID:Tech’s new Kokua platform for Disaster Relief was recently launched in USA in partnership with Saint Vincent De Paul Disaster Services Corporation and the Algorand Foundation.

How It Works
The Kokua platform works by allowing disaster relief organizations to quickly verify survivor identities and their requests for relief with a simple-to-use Dashboard for case managers. This eliminates the need for paper-based processes or manual data entry and ensures that transactions are secure.

To ensure that survivors have access to their products quickly, AID:Tech has integrated its platform with Amazon Business APIs. This allows survivors to use their verified credentials to purchase bundles of items from any of Amazon’s third-party vendors on the Amazon Marketplace.

The Benefits of AID:Tech’s Platform
AID:Tech’s platform not only enables goods to reach survivors quickly, but also helps improve transparency and accountability for governments, NGOs and other relief providers. The system improves accuracy by eliminating manual data entry errors while providing a complete audit trail. Additionally, since the system is cloud-based and fully automated, there is no need for manual intervention or paperwork — saving both time and money while helping streamline operations across multiple organizations.

Utilizing the scale of Amazon Business also means relief comes at a much faster rate. Aid recipients can use a smartphone app developed by a DSC partner, AID:Tech, known as a “survivor wallet.” The app verifies the status of a beneficiary, disburses funds, and works with the Amazon Business API, allowing the survivor to make purchases that can be fully tracked and audited by DSC. “Before, from the moment we’d get an application or referral for the survivor, it could be six months before we’d be able to deliver those items,” Disco-Shearer says. “Now we’re able to do it in days.” Moreover, where previously DSC was unable to provide people with the ability to choose their own items, the breadth of offerings on Amazon Business lets them truly personalize a new home.

This, Peach says, is no small thing.

“When you lose everything, you’re grateful for anything you can get, but when people can pick out the color of their child’s comforter or the style and color of a new couch, it gives them dignity,” he says. “It makes them a participant in their own recovery.”


By leveraging Decentralised Identity along with Verifiable Credentials & the Algorand Blockchain — AID:Tech has created an innovative platform for agencies & relief organizations looking for more efficient ways to distribute funding & resources during times of crisis & disasters.

With our focus on transparency & accountability as well as its secure infrastructure — the Kokua platform promises to revolutionize how disaster relief is delivered around the world today! This product has far-reaching potential applications for additional verticals including insurance, payouts, disbursements and general payments.

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