The Benefits of Creating User Journey Maps

Anxhi Subashi
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2023

Understanding the customer journey is key to creating a successful product or service. User journey maps provide an excellent way to gain insight into how users interact with your product or service, and what their needs are. That’s why user journey mapping is a critical step in the development process for any company. In this blog post, we’ll explore why user journey maps are important and how the AID:Tech team used this process to create their products Kokua and Kaulana.

What Are User Journey Maps?
User journey maps are visual illustrations of the customer experience. They show the steps that users take as they interact with a product or service, from first contact to purchase (or whatever other end goal there may be). As such, user journey maps help companies understand what it’s like for customers to use their products and services. This allows them to identify areas where they can improve customer experience, as well as areas where they can increase conversions and sales.

Using FigJam for User Journey Mapping
The AID:Tech team chose to use FigJam for its user journey mapping needs. This online tool makes it easy to create visually appealing user journeys that can be easily shared with other members of the team. It also has an intuitive drag-and-drop editor which makes it simple to rearrange elements on a map according to different scenarios or goals. This allows teams to quickly experiment with different scenarios and come up with solutions that will best meet their users’ needs.

How AID:Tech Used User Journeys for Kokua & Kaulana
AID:Tech used user journeys extensively in the development of its two apps, Kokua and Kaulana. Kokua is an app designed to help disaster survivors get support quickly and easily, while Kaulana is an app designed for volunteers who want to organize events and receive achievements for their volunteer work as tokens of appreciation from those who benefit from their efforts. By creating detailed user journey maps, AID:Tech was able to gain insight into how users would interact with these apps, allowing them to make adjustments along the way that would ensure a great customer experience upon launch!

Creating user journey maps is essential when developing any product or service — it provides invaluable insight into how customers interact with your offerings so you can optimize their experience accordingly. The AID:Tech team took full advantage of this process when creating its apps Kokua & Kaulana, using FigJam as a tool that allowed them to quickly and easily create visually appealing user journeys that could be shared among team members in no time at all! With this kind of detailed planning in place, launching new products becomes much simpler — allowing companies like AID:Tech success every time!

