Unlocking the Power of Web3: How AID: Tech’s approach to product development is making Blockchain accessible to everyone

Niall Dennehy
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2022
A user from Dickson County, TN, testing AID:Tech’s Kokua App

Blockchain technology promises to revolutionize the way we interact with data, digital identity and financial services, but making it accessible and easy to use has been a challenge — until now. AID:Tech has made significant strides in this area, breaking through the technical barriers that have prevented widespread adoption by developing user-friendly products that unlock the power of Web3 for everyone. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how our approach is helping to make blockchain available for all, taking the development of our recent application Kokua as a case study.

The challenges of product development in the Web3 space

The Web3 space is still in its early developmental stages, which can make product development a challenge. There are many new technologies and protocols that need to be considered, and the landscape is constantly changing. It can be difficult to know which technologies to focus on, or even which ones will still be around in a few months.

Another challenge is that the user base is still quite small compared to traditional web applications. This can make it difficult to get enough users to test and provide feedback on new products. And because the ecosystem is still evolving, there is no clear consensus on what constitutes a “good” product or user experience. For now, we can draw from traditional product development principles, such as those embodied by the customer development process and lean startup principles. Supplementing these with Web3 Go-To-Market tactics and feedback from community and ambassadors adds a new dimension to the process.

The importance of customer discovery in Web3 versus Web2

Customer discovery is one of the most important aspects of any business, whether it is in the Web2 or Web3 age. In the Web3 age, businesses need to be able to quickly and effectively adapt to the constantly changing landscape. This can be done through customer discovery, which is the process of understanding your customers and their needs. In order to do this, you need to be able to talk to them and get feedback. This feedback can then help you make decisions about your product or service and how to best serve your customers. This is what we’ve employed when deciding what features to prioritize when developing Kokua and weighing up the value versus effort equation

Kokua UX testing with case managers

Overall, customer discovery is an important process in both the Web2 and Web3 worlds. However, it is especially important in the web3 age because of the changing landscape. businesses need to be able to quickly adapt and use customer discovery to understand their customers’ needs.

Validating product assumptions with feedback from customers and the Web3 community

During Kokua testing, we found our customers (case managers and disaster survivors) to be a great resource for validating product assumptions. By engaging with them, we got feedback on our ideas and determined whether they were worth pursuing. This feedback proved to be extremely valuable in helping us make informed decisions about our products.

Generally, If we find that there is interest in our product idea from our customers, that is a strong indication that we are on the right track. By engaging with our customers, we can get a better understanding of what features they want and need.

Validating Kokua product assumptions

Building an MVP with real people in mind

When it came to building our Kokua MVP, it was important to keep in mind the needs of real people. After all, this is what the technology is built for. In order to make the most of it, we needed to focus on creating a platform that was easy to use and convenient for disaster survivors and case managers.

We also made sure that the user interface was easy to navigate. Users shouldn’t need to spend time figuring out how to use our product. The easier it is to use, the more likely they are to stick around.

By keeping these things in mind, we created a platform that is both user-friendly and convenient for our customers.

Feedback from Kokua case managers

The importance of a feedback loop

In order for the Web3 ecosystem to flourish, it is important that there is a feedback loop in place. This feedback loop allows our developers to get feedback on our products, and allows users to provide feedback on our products. This feedback loop is important because it will help ensure that the products being developed are of high quality and that users are getting the best possible experience. Additionally, it helps developers learn what users want and need, which can help them build better products in the future.

The feedback loop will also be used through social media platforms. Developers can use these platforms to get feedback from users about the product, and users can use these platforms to provide feedback on the products they are using. This type of feedback can be helpful for both parties involved. Our developers can get an idea of what features people like or don’t like, while users can voice their opinions on products and help influence future development decisions.


Product development is hard. But it’s especially hard in the Web3 space because of all of the unknowns. Nevertheless, there are a few key things that you can do to increase your chances of success: 1) customer discovery, 2) validating the problem and solution, 3) building an MVP, 4) creating a feedback loop. If you want to learn more about these topics and how we’re building Kokua (and product development in general), keep an eye on our blog.

Kokua Banner for Google Play Store with features and users in mind

