
Aidan McMeekin
Aidan’s work
Published in
1 min readFeb 12, 2023

This week we talked about how information can be misleading and how people use bias to structure their arguments online. The idea of miss information is scary. I and many other of my peers have been misled with half-baked assumptions shown as facts and jumping to conclusions without all facts present. I don't like the idea of being tricked it makes me have a sense of uneasement, thus I do not like misinformation and what comes with it. Since my generation has grown up with the internet and has a much better understanding of it, we have learned how to semi-filter fact vs. fiction. Many people who do not fully understand the internet are continuously misled by false data, and the charisma of those who present the false data, they will believe anything that they are told. This fact alone is scary to think about. In recent years people have been rallied together to do horrible acts of violence because of these false facts. All information should be questioned at first then researched, after that you can come to an educated assumption as to what is or is not happening.



Aidan McMeekin
Aidan’s work

Student at hpu working to improve my writing and speaking through my posts