
Aidan McMeekin
Aidan’s work
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2023

People all over the world have traumatic experiences and these experiences leave them scared for life, not physically sometimes but mentally. Mental scars are some of the hardest things to see and identify. there are many ways in which people can be affected by these experiences. One of the most common is nightmares. These dreams however are not simple nightmares you have when you are a child. They are utterly terrifying and leave you sleepless and exhausted constantly tormenting the victim. Many victims who have had a near-death experience often report not being able to sleep for days even weeks after the event happened. In the case of war veterans their experience manifest as PTSD, which can last a lifetime due to the nature of their experiences. Many people also report having nightmares when they are awake where they are followed by the fear of death or another incident happening, where they are powerless and can not control what happens. this helplessness only adds to the fact that they are terrified about it happening again and again, sadly there is often no cure for the more extreme cases. There is a harsh stigma surrounding mental illness and the nightmares that often come with it. Many people suffer from a mental illness and sadly is more common than people like to think. Anyone suffering from a mental illness should seek professional help, now that is easier said than done but that doesn't mean that it's good to keep it all bottled up until it bursts out and hurts you or a loved one.



Aidan McMeekin
Aidan’s work

Student at hpu working to improve my writing and speaking through my posts