How one Internship completely changed my life.

Piyush Mehta
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018

Journey of a student becoming a Professional Developer.


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In May, I gave an interview for a Summer Internship at Meaww. I started working for them as a React Developer Intern from 4th of June. Before I joined them, I was just a student who used to make Hobby Projects for fun. But working with people who have such great knowledge made me grow rapidly.

Great knowledge comes from the humblest of origins

The best Decision?

Earlier, I was concerned with working for only front-end (REACTJs). But as Bikash was assigned to work with me on the same project, things completely changed since then.
Earlier, I was not comfortable with him. But wait…
Lemme, give you a lil’ brief of who Bikash is, he’s a Backend Developer and he’s also responsible for keeping the servers up and running.
He made me work against the clock and which in turn lead me to develop better code.

How Bikash actually is a boon for me?

Bikash helped me with not only making my code presentable, but also he made sure that, I code like how they do in companies. The work he does inspires me to learn back-end too. He helped me develop the logic I need for competitive coding too. Check my HackerRank: Piyush Mehta

What happened to me during this time?

Let’s assume there’s a scale (of 10 let’s say) for my Dev Skills
Before I joined, I was: 2.5
After 2 months of work there: 8.5
That’s what we learn in a Summer Internship. We Grow, We Rise.
Some days, I even had a thought at the end of the day, that, ‘I’m not going from Tomorrow’
But here, I would thank my Mom and Dad’s teachings.

Chhed diya to chhodna nhi, Chhod diya to chhedna nhi.

The above paraphrase means, If you’re working on something then don’t leave it incomplete, If you’ve already left doing that, then don’t do that again.

What were my Working hours?

I was assigned to work from 12:30PM to 6:30PM as per our contract.
But I worked from 9:30AM to 9:30PM, as Dan (Another guy) told me ‘No Pressure, No diamond’. This seriously hit me hard.

Don’t do what you love doing, Do what you’re good at!

What tech I can work on, now?


Languages- C, C++, Java 8, Python, R, JavaScript (ECMA6+)

WEB TECHNOLOGIES- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, NodeJs, Ajax, React,React-Native, Redux, D3JS, Chartist, XHR, RESTful API, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDb, Jekyll, PHP, Flask, Discourse, PolymerJS.

Databases- MongoDb, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL.

DEV-OPS- Amazon Web Services, Docker, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Vultr, Continuous Integration By Travis-CI and Circle-CI.

Preferred Stack for Web Development- MERN, GRAND, AMP.

Post Processing and Manipulations- Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.

Designing: Sketch, Photoshop, Canva.

App Development- Ionic, React-Native, Flutter, Android App Development using Android Studio (NATIVE).

How I prepared myself to get an Internship?

I worked with Divyansh Lohia as a Front-End Developer and he really pushed me to learn. He was the one who taught me how to balance personal and professional life.
If I wouldn’t have worked in Aidapp, this internship would never have been possible for me.

Thanks Preeti Mehta for always being an Integral Part of my Life.

Signing off
Piyush Mehta
Student|| Learner || Developer

