Jens Bäumler (Apparo Group, Germany)
AIDA User Group
Published in
16 min readDec 17, 2022


Boom!!!! More than 100 good reasons to switch from IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 LTS to CA 11.2.4 LTS

December 2022 — the new LTS version of Cognos Analytics with Watson has been released.

The new LTS version of IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson 11.2.4 comes with a completely revised interface. The operation of Cognos Analytics has been greatly simplified and improved. With version 11.2. the surface of other IBM products has been adjusted (carbon redesign). For example, IBM Watson, Planning Analytics and Cognos Analytics users can now quickly find their way around all interfaces.

As most users migrate from the last Long Term Support release, Cognos Analytics 11.1.7, they expect an incredibly long list of improvements and new features.

The list of changes is long. Here is an overview:

Cognos Dashboards — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

Cognos Reporting — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

General GUI and functionality changes — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

Cognos data modules — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

Cognos Explorations — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

  • Other improvements in visualization
    details Visualization details for explorations have been expanded and improved for better readability. These natural language insights are more concise and understandable, allowing you to quickly review information from data analysis.
  • New visualizations in explorations
    You can now use the boxplot and radar visualizations in explorations.
  • Insights and forecasting now in the new
    Analysis screen You can now access visualization insights and forecasting functionality from the new Analysis screen. To open the Analysis panel, click the Analysis tab or click the Forecast or Insights icon in the visualization.
  • Extended forecasting using the Watson Core time
    series library The time series forecasting function now uses the Watson Core library. Using the Watson Core time series library increases the prediction accuracy of the forecasts and allows the use of multiple seasons (or nested seasons). Time series with regular repetition cycles can be modeled with a seasonal component.
  • Multivariate prediction now supported
    You can now create multivariate predictions in IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson. In a multivariate forecast, the forecast takes into account multiple variables that work together or have dependencies. This can lead to a more accurate prediction.
  • Package feature support
    Access to package-based explorations depends on package features.

Cognos Assistant — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

  • Assistant filtering with time entities
    The assistant now understands time-related expressions. You can ask the wizard to filter on time entities like year, month, season, date, time, and even holidays to create more attractive visualizations.
  • Support for wizard functionality in data sources
    The functionality for using the wizard can now be set at the source level. Previously, permission to use the wizard was set at the user level. When the Use Assistant feature is enabled for a source, you can interact with the source in the assistant and ask questions or create a visualization or dashboard.

Cognos Mobile — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

Cognos Notebooks — Cognos Analytics version 11.2.4

  • Notebook content imported from Watson Studio
    If access to an external Watson Studio environment is enabled in Cognos Analytics 11.2, you can import notebooks authored in IBM Watson Studio. You and your colleagues can then select content from an imported notebook and add it to a report or dashboard.
  • Changed location of Watson Studio logs
    The Watson Studio logs from the dataplatform-service node service are moved from a separate directory to the central cognosserver.log file.
  • Export Notebooks
    A new right-click menu option lets you export your notebook as an .ipynb file. You can then share your notebook with data scientists who can use other notebook tools, such as B. Anaconda and Google Colab.
  • Upgraded Python and R kernels
    Cognos Analytics for Jupyter Notebook Server 11.2.4 includes updated kernel versions for Python and R. Updated kernels are more compatible with newer packages. This results in fewer errors when running notebooks.
  • Upgraded Python kernel
    The Python kernel for Cognos Analytics for Jupyter Notebook Server 11.2.4 has been upgraded to version 3.11. Updated kernels are more compatible with newer packages. This results in fewer errors when running notebooks.



Jens Bäumler (Apparo Group, Germany)
AIDA User Group

IBM Cognos Analytics Trainer / Consultant, IBM Champion Data & AI, Board Member AIDAUG, Board Member Cognos User Group e.V. D/A/CH