Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2018


AidCoin ICO — Approval to registration on Bitcoin Suisse

With the AidCoin ICO around the corner, starting January 16th at 12pm CET, more and more community members are waiting to be approved by Bitcoin Suisse to participate to the ICO.

To be sure that you have taken care of all the proper steps during the registration, just take a minute to double check that you have done the following:

  1. Filled out all proper documents, signed Form A and Form A1 and uploaded them into the system
  2. You show a grey box at the bottom end side of the screen as showed here:

Awaiting Approval

3. If you have followed all the steps correctly, then your submission should be approved within a few days.

Please bear in mind that, due to high demand the waiting time is approximately of 3 to 4 days.

4. You will receive an email of approval from Bitcoin Suisse

5. When your account has been approved, you will be able to sign up to participate in the ICO through Bitcoin Suisse.

We hope this quick guide was helpful. Please read the full step-by-step guide to register on Bitcoin Suisse >>

Feel free to contact us on Telegram for any further queries.

Join the growing AidCoin community to discuss the project. Get involved and spread the word with your contacts and favorite charities!

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