New AidCoin showcase: how we teamed up with the winter’s coolest crypto event and raised funds with Joseph Lubin, Ethereum Co-Founder

AidCoin Team
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2019

Lately, we’ve visited our first big conference in 2019 — ETHDenver in Colorado, US, organized by the Ethereum community. This time, not only did we share inspiration with true believers of decentralization but also launched a new showcase of our technology by raising money through auctions with local artists and blockchain luminaries as Ethereum Co-Founder, Joseph Lubin, right at the venue with over a thousand visitors. Moreover, this campaign also affected the AID token supply just like the previous one that got supported by Kate Moss.

The unique spirit of the event — a perfect base for our partnership

One of the many hands-on activities at the venue

Just like any other top-notch blockchain event, it drew a wide array of great speakers and crowds of curious attendees but there was this very distinct feeling about it. While the majority of events primarily position themselves as a place for connecting blockchain startups with potential investors and the overall community, the purpose of this event was less commercial and more geeky-idealistic.

With Joseph Lubin and other core Ethereum folks as organizers, the main pursuit of the gathering was to focus on real implementations of the blockchain technology and actually put it to use — which they did right at the venue. Not only did they organize a live hackathon, but built their whole schedule around hands-on activities. For instance, one could build his own DAPP using the APIs provided by the event’s sponsors and gain a reward in crypto for that. Basically, the spirit of the whole event is easily reflected by the phrase, which organizers introduced themselves: #BUIDL! So eventually, the spirit of the event perfectly reflected the mood of the whole blockchain industry these days: after cleaning itself from parasite projects whose only aim was to raise easy money, genuine projects that survived are now all focused on delivering tangible results — building their products and putting them to use.

Such a format of the conference attracted the right sort of people that we were very pleased to meet — those who wanted to explore and create together to cause a social impact. But most importantly, the organizers themselves shared this approach and their values so perfectly correlated with ours that we couldn’t help using it as a solid basis for a partnership — thus we did.

Charity + Art + Decentralization = AidCoin showcase at ETHDenver

We had already worked with other blockchain conferences as their charity partners, e.g. BlockShow by Cointelegraph, but this time our cooperation was more intense than just educating attendees from the stage on the use of blockchain in charity. Just like us, the Ethereum community has strong humanistic values on its own and all our ideas were lapped up so eagerly that we ended up arranging a whole charity section at their venue.

Some of the artworks the attendees could bid for

Together with the organizers and our founding company, CharityStars, we launched a set of auctions where the conference attendees and online users could buy over 25 theme-oriented art pieces and experiences. These included artistic interpretations of the blockchain, 3D paintings, sculptures, and of course our signature experiences with blockchain luminaries. This time we auctioned a lunch with Joseph Lubin, Ethereum Co-founder and ConsenSys Founder, and Erik Voorhees, Founder & CEO of ShapeShift, which came off for a thousand USD each. You can see the list of the auctions sold here.

CharityStars auctions page and the benefiting charity

During the three days of the event, we raised a total of $4.466 for Apprentio — a non-profit focused on bringing diversity to the blockchain through educational inclusion. Since transparency is an indispensable attribute of all our charity activities, Apprentio accepted the money in DAI through its AIDChain page.

As the next step, the charity will spend the crypto to pay for CharityStars’ fundraising services and to provide education to youth about web3 product management, cryptoeconomics, and entrepreneurship in a gamified fashion. All the money flows can be seen on its AIDChain page donations redistribution chart (see the screenshot below).

How does it affect the AID token supply?

As we have previously stated in our agenda for 2019, we are planning to even further enhance the interconnection between AidCoin and CharityStars by enrooting the use of the AID token into the CharityStars ecosystem. One of the ways to do this is by accepting CharityStars’ service fees in AID and then burning them. We have already done that in our previous campaign supported by Kate Moss and will keep doing it with our future campaigns to steadily decrease our token supply.

We are looking forward to cooperating with more events to promote the use of blockchain in the charity sector and not only in for-profit industries. So stay tuned and let’s see which one will be next!

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