A BIG launch coming up in March!

Númi Östlund
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2018

OK, it is finally time! In the next few weeks we are closing down the current, old beta version and launching the first part of our new standard service. The new service will be based on all the lessons learned from the beta and our in-depth case studies we have done together with our users during 2017. We are super exited, as we really have come a long way since we first stared. And this is just the first step in a bigger launch plan!

Attention, this is an old article where certain parts may not be completely up to date. Aidhedge is a young company where things quickly change. We have chosen to retain the article as a “lessons learned”.

The March launch will establish en entirely new platform for our services. EVERYTHING IS NEW.

As users you will meet a completely new service. Behind the scenes, we have also switched out the entire back-end.

The objective is that all users should instantly get a lot more value from the service. The new version is also a lot more scaleable, in several ways, enabling more users and increased functionality.

Another big launch just last week! Elon missed Mars, but we won’t miss our launch in March… We’re counting on at least the same amount of cheering, and hopefully a lot less smoke.

A big lesson from the beta and from our cases was that we need to provide more value with less input. The beta provides quite a lot of data and analysis, but also requires a lot of data input. User need to specify their transactions in detail directly.

We have now completely changed our process, always trying to understand how we can provide MAXIMUM value for a MINIMUM of user input. We are rebuilding around a concept of Minimum Viable Data (Thanks Simon B Johnson for inspiration! )

The result is that users now will start to benefit from out service after ONE single click. The value can then be increased through more data input, but always based on the principle that less is more. Projects run for a long time, so we have time to work together with our users, and can now take the time to go into data when it is needed!

All you need to do is pick a country, and your first analysis in presented in seconds.

So, lets finally give you a picture of whats is coming up! The development does NOT stop with the launch in March, on the contrary:

The basic version of our new service (March): A completely new service, both for users and behind the scenes. Users will be able to get a much broader analysis, based on a much smoother data input.

The initial analysis will cover not only exchange rates, but also project burn rate, transaction costs, project outcomes, inflation, interest rates and hedging. YES! And after the launch a number of things will be added in quick succession, that will deepen each part of the analysis.

The standard version (April): The basic service will provide our user with a lot more value than the beta. But it will still not be the full service. The first version of the standard paid version of AidHedge will launch in April (we will have some early access users during March).

In the standard version user will be able to get a lot more detailed data and analysis that are tailored to their specific organisation, portfolio or project. The standard version will also include data management, support and integrations.

The standard version will be developed further through a series of releases, where we will be adding integrated financial services provided by both AidHedge and financial partners. We will also be adding compliance and reporting services that cover donor requirements and national regulation.

All to ensure that our users have minimal risk, cost and administration — and that a maximum of funding reaches the intended target!

Interested in learning more? Get in touch! Twitter or email Númi.



Númi Östlund
Editor for

Change maker. Tinkerer in all and nothing. Chronicling efforts to improve foreign aid with the team at www.aidhedge.org