AidHedge development blog launched!

Númi Östlund
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2016

Now we launch our development blog! In the coming months we are developing the first versions of our tool for analysis of currency risk analysis in the development sector. We will let you follow the development here, with regular updates on our progress. But we are hoping that we can in addition mix in quite a lot of analysis of currency in development, and other findings from our work with aid data.

The risk analysis tool will enable aid organisations and donors to understand how currency fluctuations create risk in aid funded projects, programmes or organisational budgets. Risk will be visualised, explained and presented together with a knowledge base on options for risk management.

Aidhedge Providing a visual analysis of aid finance data.

We are currently working on the first beta, and can hopefully bring in beta testers soon. And the plan is to have a first open version up and running already in November! We are right now working on adding layers of complexity to the tool. From an analysis of the risk exposure in one currency couple during one time period to a complex analysis that includes many currencies and many both incoming and outgoing flows.

The first version of the tool builds on Value-at-Risk (VAR) algorithms, that gives an estimate of the risk exposure. We are hoping that some later versions of the tool will take advantage of the absolute cutting edge in tech, Artificial Intelligence. We are currently discussing how this could be done with some experts in the field, and will update you as soon as we know more.

Questions or input? Discuss with us @aidhedge on twitter!

Originally published at



Númi Östlund
Editor for

Change maker. Tinkerer in all and nothing. Chronicling efforts to improve foreign aid with the team at