How we are kick-starting 2018!

Númi Östlund
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2018

It’s funny how a change in the calendar can impact how you view things. It’s new year, with all new opportunities! So we are super thrilled to be back in the office to start work again! To be honest we were pretty thrilled back in 2017 as well, but isn't it something special with 2018? We can feel it!

The year starts with a small nugget of happiness — our new offices at the Stockholm Fintech Hub. We are moving there since we realized that Matthew and his team have a lot of the resources and contacts we need continue our growth. And we will be able to share offices with Stockholm Green Digital Finance!

Hopefully we will be joined at our new office by or first intern. We are participating in Jobbsprånget, a program for newcomer academics. The application period ends the 16th of January, so if you are interested — APPLY!

It was really hard to find a relevant picture! So why not some balloons?Balloon ride over Bagan”, Neville Wootton, licence: CC BY 2.0

Accelerating our case studies

During the last few months we have had a series of case studies together with partners. It’s been a fantastic learning experience. We have gone into in-depth analysis of financial flows, risks and uncertainties, working practices and different forms of collaborations (and longer post about the results is coming!). As we are finalizing most of these projects we will be starting new ones. With this second wave of case studies, we will also bee accelerating the program — building on the development from the first ones.

We will be sending out an invitation in the coming weeks, but if you know you would like to join — dont hesitate, get in contact with Númi!

Development leaving the station.. ”Rail Pa 2017", Samantha Weerasinghe, licence: CC BY 2.0

We are starting our second development phase

It might not be evident from the outside, but in end of January we are finalizing our first major development phase. Our system is starting a move to a completely new back-end, and will have a load of new functionality. The second development phase will be focus on the user experience.

We will open up more and more functionality to users and at the same time make a complete overhaul of the user interface!

Having closed the system for new users for a while it will be great to be able to welcome everyone back in again — to something new and better!



Númi Östlund
Editor for

Change maker. Tinkerer in all and nothing. Chronicling efforts to improve foreign aid with the team at