Can Dogs Eat Avocados? Are Avocados Really Bad for Dogs?

Aid Pets
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2019

Nobody can resist the creamy texture and luscious taste of the avocado. This tropical fruit gives any dish a fresh kick, and it is a staple ingredient in countless recipes, including the good old guacamole. Because they are jam-packed with healthy goodness, we have an excuse to keep digging! But how about our furry pals? Are avocados safe for dogs as well?

Fur-parents are aware that substances like tartrazine, caffeine, and Xylitol have adverse effects on our pooches. Then there’s avocado — touted as one of the healthiest human foods on the planet. Whether avocado is health-beneficial to dogs or not has been a moot point for decades. Worse yet, the Internet is saturated with conflicting information and stirs up more confusion

To answer the question: “Can dogs eat avocado?” our team did extensive research from multiple reliable sources. So, Keep Reading to find out whether avocados are good for dogs or not.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Avocados are Poisonous or Toxic to Dogs?

According to the Avocado Pet Poison Helpline and the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center, consumption of any plant material of the Persea Americana — the scientific name of avocado — is indeed toxic to some animals.

The avocado, also known as the alligator pear, contains a fungicidal toxin called persin. This substance can cause serious health problems in many animals and even death to individual species. The Guatemalan variety, those with thick, pebbly skins, are considered to have higher levels of toxicity.
You should never feed avocados to budgies canaries, finches, cockatiels, cockatoos, and parrots. Pet birds are highly susceptible to persin and may even cause death.

Farm animals, including cattle, goats, horses, and sheep, are also at risk for persin poisoning, especially when these animals consume plenty of avocado leaves.

How About Dogs, Can They Eat Avocados?

Fortunately, our furry pals are rarely affected by persin. Dogs can eat avocados and reap its health benefits. However, that doesn’t mean avocados should be lying freely on the kitchen table.

Dogs — be it a corgi of royal stock or a tear-away — are clumsy and accident-prone by nature. Swallowing objects that pique their curiosity is one of their usual hazardous activities. Therefore, you need to be careful where you stow away your avocados.

According to Dr. Tina Wismer, the medical director of ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, the ingestion of the avocado seed is the biggest worry because it causes an obstruction. Other than that, the ASPCA has not received other problems in dogs and cats eating avocados.

Health Benefits of Avocados for Dogs

For many years, the myth persists that avocados are toxic to our canine companions. As long as you feed him the flesh of the avocado and throw away the skin and seed, then your pooch can reap the same health benefits of this nutritional powerhouse.

1. Promotes digestion

The lack of fiber in their diet is one of the reasons why dogs graze on grass. Just like us, our dogs need more of it. Fiber has a crucial role in the canine digestive system. It promotes digestion and aids in elimination. Additionally, avocados are prebiotics. Thus, eating avocados help maintain your dog’s gut flora — the healthy community of good bacteria that dwells in the intestine.

2. Protects the heart

Fats are essential to canine health, as they satiate hunger and provide energy. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats — the good fats. These healthy fats help keep cholesterol levels in check, as well as lower the risk for heart disease. Not to mention, avocados contain potassium — a mineral that assists with the proper conduction of electrical charges in the heart, muscles, and nerves. Additionally, these fats found in avocado provide the building blocks for hormonal production and cell maintenance.

3. Builds mighty muscles and strengthens immunity

Avocado is a good source of high-quality protein. It contains 18 amino acids to help build and maintain strong lean muscles. Likewise, it reduces fatigue and muscle soreness, so your pooch stays on the ball during your favorite activities. What’s more, eating avocados helps strengthen your furry sidekick’s immunity against diseases. It contains vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that also enhances your dog’s ability to absorb nutrients. In other words, eating avocados is a surefire way to help your dog get the most nutrition from his diet.

4. Gives a healthier skin and a glossier coat

Dogs who don’t receive enough omega fatty acids and vitamin E in their diet tend to have dull, brittle hair and a high tendency to skin problems. Relying on dog shampoos alone won’t make a difference. What your pooch needs are skin- and hair-nourishing nutrients found in avocado fruits. Incorporating avocados to your dog’s food is a delicious way to bring out the luster in its coat and keep skin irritations at bay. When your dog is healthy inside, he will shine outside!


So, finally, the answer to the great question, “Can dogs eat avocado?” is YES!

Even celebrity vet Dr. Karen Becker couldn’t agree more. She also wrote the article Anti-Cancer Benefits of Avocado to shed further light on the health benefits of this fantastic food.

Be sure to prepare avocados properly by removing the avocado pits, seeds, skin, or leaves, and any bad parts of the avocado and you are fine. The scrummy avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals that promote the development and overall well being of your pooch as long as you feed your dogs in moderation and not in large quantities.

We hope we have answered your question well. Please share the information with your friends and other fur-parents. Let us end the stigma and allow more people to understand that this superfood is not toxic to our canine companions when given in moderation.


