Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

Aid Pets
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2019

So, it’s a movie night. Your pajama-clad family is about to dig in a bucketful of popcorn but somewhere in the corner, your dog whines and stares at you with big sad eyes. And you’re wondering if dogs can eat popcorn? You can’t help but wonder, especially when that furry charmer of yours wouldn’t stop until you bat an eye. As a responsible owner, it is natural for you to distinguish the nutritional benefits and potential hazards of certain foods before handing it to your dog.

In this article, we will discuss whether popcorn can hurt your pooch or provide him with nutritional benefits. So, tell your pal to hang on a little bit while you read.

Photo by Shawn Fields on Unsplash

Is Popcorn Good for Dogs?

The good news is, popcorn is a healthy treat that we can share with our canine companions. Many people may not have heard of it, but popcorn is suitable for both humans and dogs.

Did you know that popcorn is also one of the world’s best sources of dietary fiber? Popcorn is a whole grain food, which means it is naturally rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates but low in fat.

This favorite snack also supplies the following essential nutrients:








Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)


Copper promotes iron absorption in dogs. Iron plays a vital role in hemoglobin production and immune system function. Maintaining adequate iron prevents your dog from becoming anemic.

Calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus are vital for a puppy’s bone development. These minerals are also essential for maintaining the strength and bone density of older dogs, as they may become weak and brittle with age.

Potassium and zinc promote healthy functions of the heart, nerves, and muscles.

B vitamins help facilitate many essential roles in your dog’s body. These include carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, DNA production, and repair, among others.

Can Dogs Eat Flavored Popcorn?

There are various ways to enjoy popcorn. The majority of us love our popcorn with tasty toppings or popcorn drizzled with caramel or chocolate. However, the stuff that makes popcorn savory spell danger for your dogs.

Salted Popcorn

Excessive salt intake causes extreme thirst and burdens your dog’s kidneys. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, it also makes your dog a candidate for salt poisoning if he doesn’t drink enough water. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and muscle tremors. Therefore, avoid salted popcorn at all costs, especially if your dog already has renal problems.

Buttered Popcorn

Popcorn slathered with butter is a big NO for dogs. Butter is high in fat that may cause digestive upset in dogs. It also makes your dog gain weight fast.

Another reason to avoid it is diacetyl, a chemical found in artificial butter flavoring. According to animal studies, it damages the airways and lungs.

Cheese Popcorn

A tiny amount of cheese is generally safe for dogs, but dogs should not eat cheese-flavored popcorn. None of these cheese-flavored popcorns use real cheese. Manufacturers use cheese powder — a mixture of unknown derivatives and fattening ingredients such as sugar, vegetable oil, whey, and salt.

The pre-packaged microwave variety

Anything pre-packaged for microwave heating should be avoided. The Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) acknowledges that microwave bags used to contain popcorn are perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) coated, which is associated with numerous health problems.

Besides, a lot of microwave popcorn brands use hydrogenated oils, which contain unhealthy trans fats. These are fatty acids linked to obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Note that if these chemicals can harm humans, it can surely harm our canine companions as well.

Decadent toppings

Herbs and spices give popcorn some oomph but if you plan to share it with your dog, then save it for another occasion. Garlic and onion, in particular, is a toxic combination for dogs.

Chocolate-coated popcorn should also not be given to dogs. Chocolate contains caffeine, which causes hyperactivity and palpitations in dogs. In case you don’t know, a dog’s heart already beats 50x faster than ours!

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn Kernels?

No! Popcorn kernels or partially popped popcorn are choking hazards for dogs, especially for pups and small breeds. These may also get stuck to your dog’s teeth or cause his gums to bleed.

Likewise, kernels are hard for dogs to digest. The canine digestive system cannot properly break down nuts in large amounts and may cause intestinal obstruction or difficult evacuation of the bowels.

What is the Best Popcorn for Dogs?

Commercially prepared popcorn is usually smothered with unhealthy ingredients and high amounts of sugar and salt — all of which add a significant amount of calories and can be bad for your dog in many ways. Even if the brand says they are free of harmful chemicals, you can’t be sure unless you make your own.

The best popcorn for dogs to eat is plain unsalted popcorn prepared using a pot or an air-popper machine.

How Much Popcorn Can Dogs Eat?

You should be wary of how much popcorn your dog has put in its belly. As with any snack, too much popcorn is not healthy for your canine buddy. Vets suggest keeping treats down to 10% or less of your dog’s daily calorie intake.


Does your dog beg for popcorn and make you wonder, “Can dogs eat popcorn? Of course, they can have some! Popcorn offers health benefits not only for us but for our canine companions as well.

Popcorn is rich in fiber, along with B vitamins and minerals vital to canine nutrition. However, popcorn’s nutritional attributes are masked once you add tasty toppings and seasonings. Its preparation may also harbor harmful side effects.

That is why you should only give your dog plain unsalted popcorn that is fully popped and preferably air-popped. While it is okay for your pup to pick up a few pieces on the floor, you better give your furry janitor a time off when there’s too many to hoover up.


