Video: How to be Anti-Racist in Aid

Arbie Baguios
Aid Re-imagined
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2020

Starts at 02:39

The recent killing of George Floyd and subsequent #BlackLivesMatter protests in the US and globally have reinvigorated discussions about anti-Black racism in all parts of society.

The global development and humanitarian aid sector has its own share of issues on racism that remains to be addressed. We believe this is a critical moment to hold a discussion on racism within the aid community.

This video is a recording of the online event:


Stephanie Kimou (@StephKimou)
Founder & Lead Consultant, PopWorks Africa

Marie-Rose Romain Murphy (@romainmurphy)
Co-Founder, Haiti Community Foundation & ESPWA, Inc.

Naomi Tulay-Solanke (@communityheal10)
Founder & Executive Director, Community Healthcare Initiative

Facilitated by:

Arbie Baguios (@arbiebaguios)
Founder, Aid Re-imagined

You can keep the conversation going on Twitter with the hashtag #AntiRacistInAid.

Personal commitments

Towards the end of the discussion, we invited participants to share the actions they personally commit to take to be anti-racist in aid. You can view the commitments here.

Doing the work

Reading list on anti-racism specifically for aid workers, put together by the Fifty Shades of Aid community:

Compilation of resources on anti-racism in general:

Aid Re-imagined’s mission is to help usher the evolution of aid towards justice and effectiveness through deep, radical, and evidence-based reflection and research — unafraid to venture beyond the realm of development and humanitarianism, using insights from philosophy, economics, politics, anthropology and sociology, as well as management. Aid Re-imagined stands for a more just and effective aid for our new, ever-changing world.

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Arbie Baguios
Aid Re-imagined

Arbie Baguios is the founding Director of Aid Re-imagined. He is currently a doctoral researcher at the London School of Economics.