TOC Europe — it’s clear that AV/EV solutions for ports have arrived.

Aidrivers Editor
Aidrivers Ltd.
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2023

TOC Europe was an event full of highlights for Aidrivers! We were delighted to welcome a constant stream of enthusiastic clients, partners and collaborators to our stand. Connecting with so many friends and colleagues, old and new, was inspiring and energising.

But to pick out a top highlight? We were delighted to make our joint product launch announcement with Ashok Leyland about the production of an autonomous electric terminal truck, bespoke designed for autonomous operations in demanding port operating conditions.

Industry journalists were quick to pick up on the story, to publish the details and to discuss this momentous advance in the autonomous mobility sector as both AV and EV initiatives have a true impact on the sustainable logistics. Aidrivers and Ashok Leyland have a joint vision of making autonomous electric terminal trucks available and affordable, to address the urgent Net Zero emissions reduction needs of the port industry.

To be based on an Ashok Leyland platform and fitted with Aidrivers’ autonomous eco-system, the truck is produced at Ashok Leyland’s manufacturing facilities in India and this enable us to accelerate transition to AV / EV and we are ready for commercial.

This announcement attracted great interest from delegates at TOC too, and we were happy to talk through the opportunities with those seeking more information and interested in implementation of AV/EV. We were pleased to welcome a number of visitors who were keen to discuss the options for partnering and working together with Aidrivers. Collaboration is key!

Finally … what a difference a few years make! Only four years ago, Aidrivers felt like a lone champion of the autonomous mobility sector, even witnessing rather bewildered responses from delegates at TOC. Now we were pleased to see more companies focusing to service this sector.

As we wrapped up three busy and successful days in Rotterdam, we reached the end of TOC Europe 2023 with a clear message: the conversation has really moved on, for both Aidrivers and the autonomous mobility sector.

The discussions are no longer around “if” this autonomous technology is going to be deployed in the ports sector — the focus is on the actual deployment of autonomous technology. It’s here and now!

We say with pride that Aidrivers is at the forefront of those conversations — leading the debate and leading the deployment, commercially and globally, of AI-enabled autonomous mobility solutions for industrial applications in the maritime industry.



Aidrivers Editor
Aidrivers Ltd.

Aidrivers is accelerating the world's transition to autonomous vehicles and robotics.