Consortium feature: For whom and why?

Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2023

Consortiums working to create greater impacts have greater responsibilities to publish their aid data to the IATI Registry. Having to work with multiple organisations to achieve a predefined set of goals is a challenging task. Even more challenging is to record complete projects’ data and publish their details in a timely manner to the IATI Registry.

The Consortium feature, allows organisations to trace and track their consortium’s activities as well as their members’ activities. This ensures better collaboration and enhanced data quality. This feature provides an easy way to compare each other’s data for consortium members.

Find and Verify data of downstream partners and Consortium members!

In most cases, it is the responsibility of lead organisations to ensure that all their consortium partners publish their data.

The lead organisation needs to:

  • Ensure data quality
  • Ensure timely publication
  • Ensure that all necessary elements and requirements are met

Working with organisations based in different time zones to achieve a pre-defined goal is challenging in itself. And, it is a tedious and time-consuming task for the lead organisation to wait for the data to be published, and wait for the data to appear on the Registry or d-portal. If further changes needs to be made, they have to again wait for the data to appear on d-portal.

This is where the consortium feature helps

The consortium feature allows consortium members to compare their data with one another from within AidStream. Consortium feature facilitates better tracking and saves time especially for the lead to track their members’ activities’ status and data quality. It also shows what stage the activities are in (draft, complete, or published).

Let’s have a look at more benefits of Consortium feature:

  1. The feature allows you to separate the consortiums with one another.

2. It keeps your consortium-related activities separate from other activities. Managing consortium data is easier this way.

3. It allows consortium members to compare data and information with each other from a shared space.

Activity detail page of Consortium partner can be viewed by lead organisation and other members of the listed consortium.

4. It provides a common space to manage consortium-related activities and also view other members’ activities.

5. It comes with unlimited consortium activities publishing option and XLS templates import feature.

6. Saves time of lead organisation to track its members’ activities’ status and data quality

7. Facilitates better tracking of activities published by consortium’s lead organisation and other members of the consortium

