The one with the celebrations

Meghan Young
AIE Nordics
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2023

Celebrations are a part of our culture.

They provide us with an opportunity to gather with family, friends, colleagues and in a greater sense members of the different communities we exist in to mark significant events and milestones in our lives.

That being said, a few people might disagree with the idea of celebrating something that is work-related.

Well, for a very long time, work has become a nuclear part of our lives. Like the mitochondria powering the cells in our bodies, our work very often powers our lives in different ways.

It is work. Right. Nevertheless, I truly believe it is much more than what the name first implies.

Work is also a complex multi-structured social context, a room for exploration, development, learnings, challenges — among so many other exciting aspects.

It is hard to argue against the fact that most people spend a significant portion of our lives at work, creating relationships with our colleagues, customers, partners. Therefore, it becomes important to consider work both for its output (putting food on the table and wine in the glass) and its outcome (the relationships we create along the way).

A wise man once said that it is not about the destination, but about the journey.

And what a journey it is to work at Capgemini Sweden (not even to mention in the glorious AIE Nordics team!).

We had the immense pleasure of participating in the Capgemini Awards 2023 this Saturday : a bold day-long occasion to celebrate the fantastic work of our colleagues and the achievements that marked our past year.

This year’s edition was held in 3 locations, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Helsingborg, and hosted partly by your’s truly Meghan and Johan !

In the midst of the preparation of such an anticipated event, let’s have a look at what has been agitating the AIE Nordics this week !

The Capgemini Awards 2023

It would be ignoring the three-legged elephant in the room to not speak about the Awards, so here it is !

Since we had both Johan and Meghan set up to give mind-blowing presentations and talks during the day, there was a substantial amount of preparation happening this week.

Meghan hosted — should I say nailed — a discussion around the topic of Generative AI with a dear guest from Google Cloud, and our very own Johan blew people’s minds about the possibilities of Social Robotics, unveiling a missing piece in the puzzle of natural human-machine interfaces through the success of the very same Generative AI topic Meghan was talking about.

I personally happily assisted in some video shootings, editing and preparation, and was happy to see my dearly beloved colleagues shine on stage.

Great stuff!

Their two presentations also underlined the introduction to a wider audience of the made-in-AIE-Nordics Riot Labs — what they are, how they are seen to operate and their objectives.

I mean look at him !
Meghan unveiling the vision of the Riot Labs

I will pass the details (and the pictures) of the party and dinner that unfolded to conclude what has been a brilliant day to be a part of the great Capgemini family!

Chatty’s 8th value for Capgemini

The Capgemini Awards stands as the perfect occasion to celebrate our values — Trust, Freedom, Boldness, Modesty, Team spirit, Honesty and last but certainly not least Fun.

During the past few weeks, some Capgemini employees have been nominated for a certain value as a testimony to their dedication and embodiment to this value.

Naturally, the nominees and winners of the categories are revealed during the gala dinner, and a special award is offered to them for the occasion.

As a simple experiment, I had our beloved ChatGPT friend think of what could be an 8th Capgemini value to add to the existing list, and here is Chatty’s response :

Interesting choice of value

Take it from Chatty, not from us!

That is it for this week at the AIE, keep innovating — and don’t forget to celebrate !




Meghan Young
AIE Nordics

Research & engagement lead at the Applied Innovation Exchange in Malmö, Sweden