AFTK tokens live on Ethereum Blockchain

Oscar Wilde
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2018

AiFinTek team is proud to announce that we have achieved a milestone in our firm’s progress towards successful ICO and development of our project.

AFTK tokens are now live on the Ethereum blockchain from 16 April, 2018.

The contract address for our AFTK tokens and the Token Code is available here,


After code review, the final AFTK tokens have been minted to the amount of 25 million tokens. AiFinTek Development Team concluded after extensive discussions to permanently close any further minting of the AFTK tokens. Code for generation of these ERC-20 compatible tokens is available at the above address.

AFTK Test Tokens:

Our test AFTK test tokens were deployed and tested on the Ropsten Test Ethereum Network on 09 April, 2018.

The test contract and token transactions can be viewed here:

